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There were approximately 50,000 patents granted per year over this time period. For a total of 450,000.

It is unrealistic to have itemised them all here.

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Q: What US patents were filed from 1970 to 1979?
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How many patents does GE have?

As of 2010, General Electric (GE) has 1,222 patents. Aside from this, they have filed 37, 268 patents in the US.

What was the population in the US from 1970- 1979?


Who had 1000 US Patents?

Thomas Edison was granted 1093 US Patents - a record that has yet to be broken by a single individual. He also held a couple hundred foreign patents in the UK, France, and Germany. This goes without mentioning the 500-800 denied US applications he filed as well as other inventions he may never have had sought protection for.

In the years 1970 - 1979 there were how many executions in the US?


What was the AVERAGE price of gasoline FOR 1970 TO 1979?

US $o.02

How many patents were granted by the US in 1990?

99,220, including utility patents, plant patents, design patents, and reissues.

How do you check for a United States patent?

You can search the US Patent Office's website for patents dating back to the mid 1970's.

How many patents were granted by us in 2011?

The USPTO granted a total of 247,727 patents from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011, including Reissue Patents, Plant Patents, Design Patents, and Utility Patents.

Are there examples of patents with a time limit?

ALL US patents expire within a timeframe.

How many patents in 1990?

The US Patent Office issued 99,200 total patents from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1990, including 9 reissue patents, 6 plant patents, 194 design patents, and 98,991 utility patents.

Where are US patents effective?

U.S. patents are only effective in the United States, its territories, and its possessions

Who invented backward wave oscillator?

Two separate scientists filed patents in the US the same year for different types of the same instrument. French scientist Bernard Epzstein first demonstrated his M-Type BWO 1951. Meanwhile, Rudolf Kompfner introduced his own, independently-conceived O-Type BWO around the same time. Both filed their applications in the US in 1952. (Epzstein was granted patents in France, UK, and the US for his BWO) Epzstein's patent was filed a month before Kompfner's in the US, but most reference material points to Kompfner as the primary inventor, supporting this with the large body of research and work he had done in the field prior to filing this official application.