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The name of such waves is "electromagnetic waves".

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Q: What Wave that is produced by a vibrating electric charge is an electromagnetic?
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How does a vibrating electric charge produce an electromagnetic wave?

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Would a stationary electron produce an electromagnetic wave?

My answer is NO, since vibrating electric charge cannot exist independently (conservation of electric charge cannot be violated). Vibrating electric charge can only exist as part of electric charge wave.

What is the electromagnetic definition?

pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion; "electromagnetic energy"

Can an electric current be produced by magnetism?

Yes, a moving electric charge creates a magnetic field

A vibrating electric charge produce what kind of wave?

electric wave

Tell how you know if a wave is electromagnetic in character?

A wave is electromagnetic in character if the wave is produced by the acceleration of an electric charge. Another indication is a wave is electromagnetic if it is propagated by the periodic variation of intensities of, usually, perpendicular electric and magnetic fields.

Electromagnetic waves slow down or change direction?

Electromagnetic waves are produced by the acceleration of an electric charge. Electromagnetic waves have the same speed in a vacuum (or space). They can slow down and change direction.

What are electromagnetic oscillators?

when a charge oscillates for example in a capacitor it produce an electric field; which in turns produce a magnetic field in an inductance. the magnetic field oscillates perpendicular to the electric field and an electromagnetic waves perpendicular to both is produced.

An electric field surrounds an electric charge What additional field surrounds a moving electric charge?

Light and all other electromagnetic waves are produced by charged particles. Every charged particle has an electric field surrounding it.

What can produce electromagnetic waves?

When a charge is stationary then an electric field exists. If that charge moves uniformly in space then magnetic field arises around the direction of movement of that charge. If the same charge gets accelerated then electromagnetic disturbance is produced in the space. So any charge oscillating or moving in a curved path would produce electromagnetic disturbance. Such a disturbance is known as electromagnetic waves.

What is the source of an electromagnetic wave?

Accelerated electric charge is the source of electromagnetic waves.

What vibrated to produce electromagnetic waves?

An electric charge.