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Q: What Ways do we turn hydrogen into energy we can use?
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What are some different ways we turn biomass into energy we can use?

Biomass can be converted into energy through processes such as combustion, gasification, fermentation, and anaerobic digestion. Combustion burns biomass to produce heat or electricity, gasification converts biomass into synthetic gas that can be used in power generation, fermentation involves using microorganisms to break down biomass into biofuels like ethanol, and anaerobic digestion uses bacteria to break down biomass into biogas for heat or electricity production.

How do we turn hydrogen into energy we can use?

Hydrogen can be burnt with oxygen and the formation of the chemical bonds between the atoms releases energy as heat. Free hydrogen is normally manufactured by electrolysis from water, and this requires energy to separate the hydrogen-oxygen bonds, and it is this energy that is released when the chemical bonds are re-formed by combustion.

What are two ways to use energy?

geothermal energy is used directly for heating and to turn turbines to geberate electrictity.

How would you help maximize the the use of energy in our society?

by conserving it, we must not waste the energy , turn off the lights when not in use, and many more ways.

What are ways you use energy?

there are many ways in which we can use energy this includes: :)

What are the ways in conserving fuels?

how can we save fuel ? easy you can easily dont turn on the air condition

How can water be energy?

its water of course it is energy! Water wheels, they ran factories and power plants for many years. They still produce electricity with water turbines. They are also developing ways to separate the hydrogen from water and use the hydrogen to power automobiles.

What form of energy does the hydrogen bomb use?

Atomic energy, released by the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to make helium.

How does water generate electrcity?

There are two ways water can be used in electricity generation. One is by making use of the water's momentum, and the other is by making a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Momentum: If water is flowing, its motion can be used to turn a generator which makes electricity. Chemical reaction: This method is more for storing energy, since energy is first required to separate hydrogen from oxygen before they can be separated.

What are creative ways to save on energy?

To save energy, unplug all of your devices when not in use. This phantom energy accounts for much energy used throughout the year and adds up. Turn off all lights when not in use, and be smart about using the heat, if electric.

Why do human beings need hydrogen?

Hydrogen is a major component of carbohydrates, which our bodies use as an energy source.

10 ways on how to conserve energy?

There are many ways that you can conserve energy in your daily life. Walk instead of drive. Eat vegetables instead of meat. Turn of the lights when you aren't in a room. Turn off water when it is not in use. Do not use an air conditioner. Do not grow a grass lawn. Turn off all electronics when not in use. Wear layers instead of using a heater. Eat raw foods that can be kept unrefrigerated, Wash clothes in as large of loads as possible.