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Q: What What King of Thrace and ally to Troy had his horses stolen by Odysseus and Diomedes?
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Which admirable quality does Odysseus show in his actions with the stolen sheep?

Odysseus shows resourcefulness and cunning in his actions with the stolen sheep. Instead of resorting to violence or force, he uses his intelligence to outsmart his enemies and successfully retrieve the stolen animals.

Can you sell your horses on Bella Sara?

No you cannot. Bella Sara horses cannot be sold, die, or be stolen.

Why is Odysseus in Troy?

Odysseus was in Troy because the Greeks were having a war with the Trojans. Paris, a Prince of Troy, has "stolen" King Meneleus's (of Sparta) wife, Helen.

Did horses get kidnaped?

Humans get kidnapped, horses get stolen. Yes, this used to be a big problem when horses were needed for work and transportation. It was at one time a hanging crime in the US.

Don't fasten the barn door after the horses are stolen?

Don't fasten the barn door after the horses are stolen is an old saying. It means, doing something after the fact, will not change the outcome. You need to take precautions before something happens.

How do you tame a stolen horse in Skyrim?

Not in vanilla Skyrim. With the mod "Mofomojos Horse Whisperer" by MofoMojo, you can get a spell to "tame" stolen horses. You can find this mod at Nexus Mods.

What is the Odysseus of troy?

Odysseus is a man who was an important person in the story of the Trojan War, written by Homer. He was called to Troy by King Meneleus of Sparta to help him reclaim his wife ("stolen" by Paris, a prince of Troy) and avenge her theft (therefore his reputation and honour). He was supposedly the Greek King of Ithica. Odysseus was married to Penelope. Odysseus is known for having the idea of the Trojan Horse.

What event most confirms Margaret Frink's bias about American Indians?

When the Indians stole horses from the other party -APEX

How did the mound builders move from place to place?

they used what was around and got used to their surroundings

What 4 things had to happen in order for Troy to fall?

the luck of troy was stolen, hector was killed Priam horses were killed and Paris was killed