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Q: What What if your Zodiac Sign Says About What if your Drinking Habits Aquarius?
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What your zodiac sign says about your drinking habits?

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces !

What is Lisa Wu hartwell's zodiac sign?

Her website says aquarius, but no year.

What are the elements assigned to each zodiac sign?

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces (*No matter what anyone else says, Aquarius is NOT a water sign. It's place in the order of the zodiac makes it an AIR sign.)

Your last name is Lucas you are a female and your zodiac sign is Sagittarius what does that say about you?

It says your last name is Lucas you are a female and your zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

If you were born April 4-10-99 what would be your zodiac sign?

Aries. If you were born on Saturday, the 10th of April 1999, you are (as it says above) an Aries in the Western zodiac, you would also be Hawk in the Amerind Earth Magic zodiac, and you were born in the Chinese zodiac, year of the Rabbit.

How does mr.Raymond explain his pretense about drinking?

Dolphus Raymond says drinking makes life better.

Can you die from drinking a herbicide?

no yes, you can die from drinking a herbicide, it says right on the label that it is toxic

Why does an Aquarius say he hates you?

I'm not sure why he says such things. Sometimes it could be that you did something he didn't like, depending on age it could be hormones, he could be just having a bad day and taking it out on you. I do have to say that it has nothing to directly do with him being an aquarius.

Where do snakes get there drinking water?

The snake says hello

Does drinking something hot make you cool?

Common sense says no, drinking something hot will make you hot as well.

How did constellation Aquarius get its name Aquarius?

The constellation Aquarius takes its name from the Latin name meaning water bearer. Having roots leading back to ancient Babylon, the constellation Aquarius has always been associated with a vase overflowing with water. In Babylon this was the representation of the god Ea. This filtered down into Greek mythology and is most commonly associated in modern times with the Greek youth Ganymede who was the water boy of the gods.

Why are you accountable for actions done out of habits?

Habits are acquired behaviors and as such can be good or bad. We each are responsible for all our actions - in one way or another. Even when we think we got away with something, we really didn't as we remember it and our conscience may cause us to regret it someday in the future. Excessive drinking, smoking, drugs, and many others are examples of bad habits. These may hurt others and you - possibly even causing death. Good habits are exercise, proper eating, dress, appearance, speech, attitude - positive thinking and many more examples. These will lead to a happier life experience and perhaps a prolonged life.