

What a 4 different things that sound can travel though?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Sound can travel through:

  • air
  • water
  • rock
  • soil
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8y ago
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Q: What a 4 different things that sound can travel though?
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How is sound carried through matter?

it travel though things, waves, sound,which is called a pictch

Why do things sound different under water?

because sound waves travel at different distances and speeds underwater plus the water is in your ear.

Four different materials that sound can travel though?

-- air -- water -- earth -- motel walls

What does sound travel though?

A vacuum.

How does sound waves travel?

Sound waves travel though mediums. Solids , liquids , and gas . It also travels though transverse and longitudinal. Also travel through the air......

What can sound travel though?

Anything but a vacuum.

What does Sound doesn't travel though?

A vacuum.

What sound travel though?

Anything but a vacuum.

Can sound travel through different materials?

Sound can travel through a variety of materiels.

Why doesn't sound travel on an asteroid?

One cannot hear sound on an asteroid since it has no atmosphere, but sound can travel though an asteroid's surface.

Can light travel though a vacuum?

Yes, but sound can not.

Does empty space make sound travel fastest?

Sound waves need a medium (such as air, water, metal and other materials) to travel through. Sound waves travel by slightly displacing the atoms from their original position as it moves. With empty space (no atoms) the sound waves cannot travel at all. In general, sound travels slower in gasses, then faster in liquids, and even faster in solids. Each substance is different, though.