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Q: What a bitter humor that diminishes a person?
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1 Something that is is characterized by bitter or scornful derision mocking cynical sneering?

Something that is characterized as bitter or scornful and brooding ill humor is saturnine

What is a good sentence for humor?

That person has a great sence of humor. That means that the person is funny or likes to laugh.

Why was Ambrose bierce known as bitter bierce?

Ambrose Bierce was known as "Bitter Bierce" because of his acerbic writing style and sharp criticism of society, politics, and human nature. His satirical wit and dark sense of humor led to him being labelled as a bitter and cynical writer.

Why does nobody believe a person who lies all the time?

Diminishes value of what's spoken.

What type of humor is made by a person facing a life-threatening situation?

Gallows Humor

What is situational humor?

Situational humor depends on place for it's comedy. For instance, the SitCom is situational humor. Such comedies depend on where the person is, or what the person is doing to be funny. Some classic bits of situational humor are "Lucy and the candy factory" or "Vitametavegamin". Preposterous places for things to happen are situational humor.

Is humor a rhetorical device?

Yes, humor can be considered a rhetorical device. It is often used to engage the audience, make a point more memorable, or create a connection with the speaker. Humor can be an effective tool in persuasion and communication.

How to use these two phrases Humor me Try me?

We have two characters person 1 and person 2. Person 1: I have a really good joke for you! Person 2: Humor me. Person 1: I bet I can beat you. Person 2: Try me.

Does alcohol affect sexual stamina of person?

Yes. As Ben Franklin wrote, "It increases the desire, and diminishes the performance."

What does differing humor mean?

differing humor is when someone tels a joke and the person who is listering finds it abusive or racist or something:)

Why does a person pinch her nose when taking a bitter drug?

because it is the taste buds can feel the bitter drug or the tongue can identify only the bitter food.

Why does person pinch his or her nose when taking a bitter drug?

why realy