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using namespace std; // For std::cout and std::endl

// Each rod in the tower has a variable number of rings.

typedef vector<size_t> Rod;

// Displays the tower.

void display(Rod tower[], size_t move=0)



cout<<"Initial Position";


cout<<"Move "<<move;


static const char label[]="ABC";

for(size_t rod=0; rod<3; ++rod)



for(size_t ring=0; ring<tower[rod].size(); ++ring)

cout<<" "<<tower[rod][ring];





int main()


cout<<"Tower of Hannoi\n===============\n"<<endl;

size_t rings=1;



if( rings<1 rings>9 )

cout<<"You must enter a value in the range 1..9.\n"<<endl;

cout<<"Enter the no. of rings (1..9): ";

string input;

getline(cin, input);



}while(rings<1 rings>9);

// Instantiate the three towers.

Rod tower[3];

// Push all the rings onto the 1st tower (largest to smallest)

// and display the initial position.

for(size_t ring=0; ring<rings; ++ring)



// Determine the minimum no. of moves required

// (2 raised to the power of rings, minus 1).

size_t moves=(1<<rings)-1;

// Determine if the number of rings is odd or even.

size_t odd=rings&1;

// Begin moving rings...

size_t move=0;



// Determine which 2 of the 3 rods to compare.

size_t rod_index1=0, rod_index2=odd?1:2;



case(0): rod_index2=odd?2:1; break;

case(2): rod_index1=odd?2:1; break;


// Reference the two rods.

Rod& rod1=tower[rod_index1];

Rod& rod2=tower[rod_index2];

// Obtain the top-most ring sizes (0 if rod is empty).

size_t ring1=rod1.size()?*rod1.rbegin():0;

size_t ring2=rod2.size()?*rod2.rbegin():0;

// Invariant: ring1 + ring2 > 0.

// Move the smallest ring to the other rod.

if(!ring2 (ring1 && ring1<ring2))










// Display the result of the move.

display(tower, ++move);


// Finished!

cout<<"Complete in "<<moves<<" moves!\n"<<endl;


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Q: What a c plus plus program that solve the tower of hanoi problem of n disk?
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What is the minimum amount of moves for 64 disks on tower of hanoi?

2^64-1 = 18446744073709551615

Move 5 disks in the tower of hanoi algorithm?

/* tower of hanoi using recursion */ #include&lt;stdio.h&gt; int main(void) { unsigned int nvalue; char snvalue = 'L' , invalue = 'C' , dnvalue = 'R' ; void hanoi(unsigned int , char , char , char); printf(" enter number of disks : "); scanf("%u",&amp;nvalue ); printf("\n\ntower of hanoi problem with %d disks \n ", nvalue )" hanoi(nvalue , snvalue , invalue , dnvalue ); printf("\n"); return 0 ; } void hanoi(unsigned n , char snd1 , char ind1 , char dnd1 ) { if(n!=0) { /* move n-1 disks from starting to intermadiate needles */ hanoi(n-1 , snd1 , dnd1 , ind1 ); /* move disk n from start to destination */ printf("move disk %d from %c to %c\n ", n , snd1 , dnd1); /* move n-1 disks from intermediate to destination needle */ hanoi(n-1 , ind1 , snd1 , dnd1 ); } }

Write a c program to implement tower of hanoi moves?

/* hanoi.c */ #include &lt;stdio.h&gt; #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt; static long step; static void Hanoi (int n, int from, int to,int spare) { if (n&gt;1) Hanoi (n-1,from,spare,to); printf ("Step %ld: move #%d %d--&gt;%d\n", ++step, n, from, to); if (n&gt;1) Hanoi (n-1,spare,to,from); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int n; if (argc==1 (n= atoi(argv[1]))&lt;=0) n= 5; step= 0; Hanoi (n, 1, 2, 3); return 0; }

Towers of Hanoi code in c language using stacks?

#include &lt;iostream.h&gt; // a disk with a value , which is an element of the stack ,tower in this case class Disk { public: int value; Disk* next; }; class Tower //a stack data structure representing a tower { public: int size; Disk* current; Tower() { size=0; current=NULL; }//default constructor int peep(); bool push(int); bool pop(); bool isEmpty(); int getTowerSize(); void printTowerSize(); void printTowerDisks(); void printTowerMenu(); }; int Tower::peep() { return this-&gt;current-&gt;value; } bool Tower::push(int ele) { Disk* temp; temp=new Disk; if(current==NULL) { temp-&gt;next=NULL; } else { temp-&gt;next=current; } temp-&gt;value=ele; this-&gt;current=temp; size++; return false; } bool Tower::pop() { if(isEmpty()) { cout&lt;&lt;"\nTower is Empty\n"; return false; } else { current=current-&gt;next; size=size--; } return true; } bool Tower::isEmpty() { if(getTowerSize()==0) return true; return false; } int Tower::getTowerSize() { return size; }//returns size of the Tower void Tower::printTowerSize() { cout&lt;&lt;"\nThe Size of the Tower:"&lt;&lt;size&lt;&lt;"\n"; }//print the Tower size void Tower::printTowerDisks() { if(this-&gt;isEmpty()) { cout&lt;&lt;"-----\n"; cout&lt;&lt;" "&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"-----\n"; return; } Disk *curr2; curr2=this-&gt;current ; cout&lt;&lt;"-----\n"; cout&lt;&lt;"Tower\n"; cout&lt;&lt;"-----\n"; int i=0; while(curr2 !=NULL) { if(i&gt;4) break; i++; cout&lt;&lt;" |"&lt;&lt;curr2-&gt;value&lt;&lt;"|\n"; curr2=curr2-&gt;next; } }// print the Tower void createSourceTower(Tower *source,int numberOfDisks) { for(int i=numberOfDisks;i&gt;0;i--) { source-&gt;push(i); } } void moveDisk(Tower *source,Tower *dest) // movinng a disk from source to destionation { dest-&gt;push(source-&gt;current-&gt;value ); source-&gt;pop(); } void hanoi( int N, Tower *source, Tower *dest,Tower *aux ) // move N disks from source to destination { if (N &gt; 0 ) { hanoi(N - 1, source, aux, dest); //move n-1 disks from source to auxxilary (sub problem) moveDisk(source,dest); //move nTH disk from source to destination hanoi(N - 1, aux, dest, source); //move n-1 disks from auxillary to destination (sub problem) } } void main() { Tower *source,*destination,*auxillary; //Towers required for the 3 towers source destination and auxillary source=new Tower; destination=new Tower; auxillary=new Tower; //take number of disks from user int numberOfDisks; cout&lt;&lt;"Enter number of Disks in the source Tower"; cin&gt;&gt;numberOfDisks; //inserting the disks into the source tower createSourceTower(source,numberOfDisks); cout&lt;&lt;"==============================================="&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"Initial Scenario of the Towers "&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"Source"&lt;&lt;endl; source-&gt;printTowerDisks (); cout&lt;&lt;"Auxillary"&lt;&lt;endl; auxillary-&gt;printTowerDisks (); cout&lt;&lt;"Destination"&lt;&lt;endl; destination-&gt;printTowerDisks (); hanoi( numberOfDisks,source, destination, auxillary ); cout&lt;&lt;"==============================================="&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"Final Scenario of the Towers "&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"Source"&lt;&lt;endl; source-&gt;printTowerDisks(); cout&lt;&lt;"Auxillary"&lt;&lt;endl; auxillary-&gt;printTowerDisks (); cout&lt;&lt;"Destination"&lt;&lt;endl; destination-&gt;printTowerDisks (); cout&lt;&lt;"==============================================="&lt;&lt;endl; }

How can you increase the cooling tower efficiency?

Pls do the followings; 1. Clean all the dust,debris,deposits,etc if any in tower structure periodically. 2. Increase the tower height if possible 3. Choose correct water treatment program

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How can you solve the tower of hanoi?

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How do you solve the c programme of tree of hanoi?

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