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Humans do not usually get sick when being accidentally injected with the Blackleg vaccine for animals. These vaccinations only contain the dead virus. It is important to keep an eye on the injection site and to watch for symptoms just as a precaution.

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Q: What a human is accidentally injected with blackleg vaccine for animals?
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When a vaccine is injected into the animals the animals body does what?

it prompts the body to produce immunity to a disease:)

After you gave a cow with blackleg a shot you accidentally stuck yourself with the needle can you get the disease?

You haven't been exposed to blackleg (a Clostridial bacterial infection) as the vaccine is a killed vaccine, but it would be a good idea to keep a close watch on how you feel for the next week and watch the accidental injection site as well. If you start to run a fever or notice swelling, redness or pain around the injection site, see a human doctor immediately and let them know this was an accidental needle stick from a cattle vaccine.

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What is black-quarter disease?

Blackleg, black quarter, quarter evil, quarter ill (Latin:Gangraena emphysematosa) is an infectious bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, caused by Clostridium chauvoei bacteria. It is found all over the world. A symptom of blackleg is characteristic swellings which make a cracking sound under pressure. Blackleg vaccine gives immunity against it. Dr. Ranjit Suresh Ingole, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, PGIVAS, Akola. India.

What is injected in a vaccination?

A weakened form of the virus and if you do not know what a vaccine is it's something that stimulates your cells to stop that virus or disease in the future

Is a vaccine injected to the skin?

No, vaccines are not injected into the skin. Most vaccines are administered through injection into the muscle or subcutaneous tissue (under the skin). Some vaccines are also given orally or nasally.

Which genes of a pathogen are used to make a genetically engineered vaccine?

They eliminate the risk of transmitting the disease to the person injected

A preparation of killed or weakened pathogens injected or taken orally to stimulate the body to produce antibodies is called a?


Is the injected vaccine for swine flu live?

No, in the US the injection forms of the vaccines are made from inactivated "dead" virus. The nasal spray vaccine contains weakened virus that can not make you get the flu but is called a Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV). There is a new form of injected vaccine for the flu in the 2011-2012 flu season in the US that is intradermal instead of the intramuscular route, it also contains inactivated virus particles. See the related question below.

How does a vaccine prevent a viral disease when injected into the body?

the vaccine has a little bit of the disease in it so your body gets an atibody for the disease so when the disease trys to attack you body you have an immune system to it