

What a rainbow portrait show?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What a rainbow portrait show?
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Related questions

Who is the rainbow portrait of?

The Rainbow Portrait is of Elizabeth 1.

Why does the rainbow portrait have so many meanings?

Because she was sending it to friends to show the meanings.

What does the rainbow mean in the rainbow portrait?

The rainbow represents peace.

What does the rainbow represent in the rainbow portrait?

controlling the weather and bright colours

What are all the symbols in the rainbow portrait?

The eyes and ears on her dress to show she is always watching and listening. The serpent on her arm to show wisdom. The pearls in her necklace to show virginity. The cross on her necklace to show she is christian. The wing like things on her back to show that she is an angel. The rainbow in hand shows she is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Her face is pale to show she is not common.

What is Elizabeth holding in her right hand in the rainbow portrait?

A rainbow! Inscribed in Latin "None sine sole iris" meaning there is no rainbow without sun.

What does the rainbow mean on queen elizabeth 1sts portrait?

it means there is no rainbow without sun which is basically saying there is no good with me (elizabeth)

What do the symbols mean in queen elizabeth 1 rainbow portrait?

It means she is the messenger for the country.

Did Marcus Gheeraets the elder or Marcus Gheeraets the younger paint the rainbow portrait of Elizabeth 1st?

Why would a young painter paint a portrait of Elizabeth I? It was obviously the elder.

Why is the second rainbow in a double rainbow reversed?

to show that it is special

Why was Elizabeth's wearing a fruit basket styled headdress the rainbow portrait?

The fruit basket headdress in the Rainbow Portrait symbolizes Elizabeth I's fertility, abundance, and fecundity. It is also seen as a display of her majesty and wealth, as exotic fruits were considered luxurious items during that time period. The portrait aimed to present Elizabeth as a powerful and successful monarch.

What did the glove mean on queen elizabeth 1 rainbow portrait?

i know its because she was just so mean!