

What a wormhole is?

Updated: 5/7/2022
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8y ago

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Disclaimer: Further content is theoretical, as wormholes themselves are theoretical.

To understand wormholes first you must understand that although we live in a 3-dimensional universe (actually it's 4-dimensional but thats a story for another time), and that it doesn't stop at 3-dimensions. There are universes above and below our own, on the dimensional scale. Also you must understand that space as a thing can be warped and bent, in fact this is a key idea in the theory of gravity. So let us now contemplate a 2-dimensional universe with only length (forward and backward) and width (left and right) but no height, as opposed to our universe which has all three. Now let us assume that you live in this world. You are only aware of length and width, in fact you can only percieve or concieve these two dimensions. (note: the word dimension refers not only to the three aspects of an area such as height, width, and depth, but can also refer to the area itself). let us say that we have a piece of paper that represents our 2-dimensional universe. Let us also say that there are two points on this paper/universe; point A and point B. you are at point A and need to get to point B. unfortunately for you these two points are several million miles away from each other. that is where wormholes come in. Let us say that you were to fold this universe/paper onto itself so that point A and point B were touching but each on the out side of the paper. then they wouldn't be so far apart, would they? Now apply this same concept to our three dimensional universe being folded four dimensionally. that is the essence of a worm hole. of course then there's the matter of poking a hole in space to connect these two points. Albert Einstien's theory of relativity (special and general) says that wormholes are mathematically possible. But that kind of wormhole would pinch off and die within a few seconds. Wormholes can be created if we somehow join Black Holes and the so called White Holes.(For more info on White Holes and Black Holes see the question "What are Black Holes?"

It is a shortcut through space that connects one part of the universe to the next

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Joany Funk

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