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Certain abdominal organs are not involved in the digestive process. In fetal pigs, these organs include the liver and the kidneys.

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Q: What abdominal organs are not involved in digestion of the fetal pig?
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What is the name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in fetal pig?

The name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig is the peritoneum membrane.

What is the name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig?

The name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig is the peritoneum membrane.

What is the medical term meaning hidden testes?

In medical terminology, it is known as cryptorchidism. In the fetal life, testes are abdominal organs from where they descend to scrotum before birth. The common term is "undescended testicle".

What internal organs help with chemical digestion of the fetal pig?

Well, in the owl the gizzard helps with the physical break down of the fetal pig, while stomach uses its acid to digest it with chemical. The owl will then evacuate the undigested parts in the form of an owl pellet. Hopes this helps.

What sense organs are located on the head and the mouth of a fetal pig?

The sensory organs located on the mouth and head of a fetal pig are not the same as adults. These organs include the eyes and nose.

What is location of the ovaries of the fetal pig?

The ovaries of a fetal pig are located on each side of the pelvic cavity. Ovaries are only found on a female fetal pig.

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This is because there are no bones in the abdominal area to protect its vital organs. So in times of danger, humans instinctively curl over it to protect it with something that does have bones, like arms.

What is the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig?

the peritoneum

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What fetal organs are developed by 4 weeks?

heart and brain

What is the function of the testes in a fetal pig?

The function of the testes in a fetal pig is to produce sperm and hormones. These organs are contained in the scrotum.

Difference between structure of fetal pig digestion and adult pig?

cause it just is different!(: