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Abiotic factors are non-living components of the ambient environment, so examples would be: water, temperature and radiation.

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Q: What abiotic resources are important to living things?
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What is a abiotic and a biotic environment?

An abiotic environment is an environment of non-living things. A biotic environment is an environment of living things. biotic=living abiotic=non living

Are abiotic factors living things?

Biotic factors are living things. Abiotic factors are NOT living things. These factors include temperature and the amount of sunlight.

What dose abiotic mean?

Abiotic is what you would call something in nature that isn't alive. Like a log or a rock. Those are abiotic things. Biotic things are animals, plants, etc. Things that are alive.

How do biotic and abiotic factors affects living things in a given biome?

the biotic and abiotic factors affects living things in a given biome? and the living things a non living things that factors the life is an example of living things...

How do abiotic and biotic things interact in their environment?

Biotic factors are living things and abiotic factors are non-living things. They interact in that living things depend on non-living things to survive. One example of them interacting is when the sun (abiotic) helps make foods for the plants (biotic).

Is alligator biotic or abiotic?

Alligators are living so they are biotic. All living things are biotic. Non-living things such as sunlight and water are abiotic.

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What is the difference between biotic and abiotic things?

biotic resources are resources obtained from living organisms such as plants and animals. they include forest products etc., abiotic resources are resources obtained from the physical environment. they include land water air etc.,

Is a brown snake a abiotic or biotic?

Alligators are living so they are biotic. All living things are biotic. Non-living things such as sunlight and water are abiotic.

What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?

Aboitic factors are not living things. Biotic factors are living things.Parts of the ecosystem that are not alive like the sun, water, or rocks are known as abiotic factors. Living things like grass, animals, trees are known as biotic factors.

Is the porcupine abiotic?

no.....a porcupine is biotic. biotic components comprise of living things while abiotic components comprise of non living things.

What abiotic and biotic components make up an ecosystem?

Biotic- living things Abiotic- nonliving things