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Solar panels are rated very strange. Isc is current short circuit. The voltage is Eoc, or voltage open circuit.

The two are multiplied to get the power rating of the panel under max sun.

Problems here include:

1. Max sun is rare (2 to 5 hours a day is considered a normal "sun day")

2. You can not ever reach the current of short and voltage open condition.

A typical 100 watt panel may supply 76 watts at full sunlight. That means you will see 152 to 300 watts a day from a 100 watt panel. Hardly being honest.

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Q: What about Isc short circuit current of solar cell?
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What is output short circuit current?

The output short circuit current is the solar cell's current when the voltage is zero, or when it, is short circuited.

Is the open circuit voltage of a solar cell measured under non-illuminating condition?

Well, you should really measure the open-circuit voltage and the short circuit current both under dark and light conditions and then compare them to fully characterize a solar cell. Measuring the open-circuit voltage means measuring the voltage across the cell when no current is flowing (i.e., with a LARGE resistance as a load on the cell). Measuring the short-circuit current means measuring the current when the voltage across the circuit is essentially zero (i.e., with a VERY SMALL resistance as a load on the cell--thus, "short-circuit" current).

What happens when a solar cell cannot supply enough current to a circuit?

the circuit might not operate properly. but shouldn't effect the circuits them self.

Can a short circuit current through a photo cell damage it?

If the photo cell was on during the short circuit then the chances of damage to the photo cell are at a minimum. If the short circuit occurred when the photo cell was operated then yes damage to the internal contacts of the photo cell could have happened. What happens is, the short circuit is downstream from the photo cell and when the contacts of the relay close in the photo cell the dead short is applied to the contact faces of the relay. This is somewhat like striking an arc with a welded with the same results, the contact faces weld close and the circuits breaker trips to open the short circuit. With the pole faces of the photo cell's relay closed it gives the illusion that the photo cell is not operating. The photo cell's circuitry will be working but the relay will not drop the circuit open because of the welded contact in the relay.

Which cell will be damaged durng short circut?

The conducting path is the cell that will be damaged during a short circuit. The reason for this that the conducting path will have a very low resistance and will allow for a large current to flow through the cell and damage it.

How do solar cells produce energy?

In short, the light (electromagnetic energy) shining on the solar cell is converted directly to electric charge (potential energy). The increase in the electric charge can promote the flow of electric current in an external circuit, in much the same way as an ordinary electrical battery would.

What does a solar cell need to produce electricty?

In order to produce electricity, a solar cell needs sunlight and an electrical circuit.

How does the output voltage of a solar cell depend on thearea of the solar cell exposed to the light?

because the out put voltage of a solar cell is directly proportional to the area of the solar cell exposed to sun light. Testing your solar cell with the application of shading will cause a loss of power and lower voltage and current at the peak power point, However, if you are measuring open circuit voltage only, and this is only one cell, not a collection of solar cells making up one solar panel, the open circuit voltage will stay almost the same until full shade is applied. I would need more information on the solar cells such as are there many in one panel that you are testing or just one solar cell. Is it an array you are testing or just one panel? I will assume it is one panel since you said "solar cells". This means the first statement I made holds in that the open circuit voltage will change very little with the application of shade. A better test is to measure the short circuit current flow. Short the output leads together and measure the maximum current yo can get in full sun light. Now apply your shading and continue measuring the current. Make up a table Shade---------------------Current Measured 0%--------------------------2 amps 10%------------------------1.8 amps . . . 80%-----------------------0.4 amps Now repeat the measurements only this time open circuit the solar cells, no load of any kind, just the voltmeter. Shade-----------------------Volts 0%---------------------------35 volts 10%-------------------------35 volts 50%------------------ To complete the testing use a variable resistor and a watt meter. Make a table recording the the shading and maximum power you could develop and the voltage across the resistor. For instance, in full sun light, adjust the resistance until you get the peak or maximum power reading on your watt meter.

How does solar cell get its energy?

when the sun hits the solar panel it creates a current

What is the direction of flow of current in a cell?

Current doesn't flow inside the cell. The cell is used to push current through an external circuit. The so-called "conventional" current flows out of the positive terminal of the cell, through the circuit, and back into the negative terminal of the cell. The confusing truth is that the actual physical carrier of current is the electron, which carries a negative charge. So the things that are actually moving and carrying the current through the circuit leave the dry cell from its negative terminal, physically flow through the circuit, and end up at the cell's positive terminal.

What is the direction of flow of current in a dry cell?

Current doesn't flow inside the cell. The cell is used to push current through an external circuit. The so-called "conventional" current flows out of the positive terminal of the cell, through the circuit, and back into the negative terminal of the cell. The confusing truth is that the actual physical carrier of current is the electron, which carries a negative charge. So the things that are actually moving and carrying the current through the circuit leave the dry cell from its negative terminal, physically flow through the circuit, and end up at the cell's positive terminal.

What is the name of A cell or group of cells producing electrical current?

solar cell.