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Then you will have to go back to court again to get it RIGHT.

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Q: What about if froster mom have lagal custody of your child and the child what to come home?
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If a child lives with the grandparents can the mother come with pilice to take the child?

It depends on who has legal custody.

Can the father of your child stop you from moving if there is no custody order in place?

no you have to stay with the parent that has custody

What happens when the child doesnt want to return home?

If a child doesn't want to return home, it's important to understand their reasons for feeling this way. It could be due to issues like conflict at home, feeling unsafe, or being mistreated. It's essential to address the underlying concerns, involve appropriate support systems like social workers or counselors, and work towards finding a solution that ensures the child's well-being and safety.

Do I have custody of my child if your name isn't on the birth certificate but paternity test proves I am 99.8 percent the father?

You don't get automatic custody after a test, you get rights to the child. You have to go to court and get custody orders. Go to your courthouse, to the family court section, get a list of lawyers you can call and papers to file for custody. Next, child support will probably come up. So get ready for a battle.

Is it legal to keep a child from a parent in custody battle?

It all depends on what the court has already established. If no custody is established and the parents are married, joint custody is assumed. If there is not a very good reason for keeping the child away from the other parent it could make you look very bad when it does come to court.

Can the father of the child come in and take the child after the mother of the child has said no?

Yes..unless court has said otherwise. In fact if you have been denying the father access then you could lose custody.

Does a child lawyer represent the family or child?

A child lawyer, sometimes called a guardian ad litem, will represent the best interest of the child and only the child. These types of lawyers usually come into play during child custody battles.

What if a single mother drops child off with father and does not come back?

He needs to file immediate for a change in custody, otherwise he's still obligated to pay child support, and she can come take the child back at any time. see link below

Will someone make a good stepmom to your child if they don't have custody over either of their daughters?

How come they do not have custody of their children? I would find out why, that will be able to tell you if they will be good to your children. Good luck and God Bless:)

If you owe child support can you come to court for sole custody?

You can still apply for sole custody, but you would not be awarded custody unless you are able to demonstrate, at the least, that you are financially capable of supporting that child. You should also be able to demonstrate that you will take better care of the child than the other parent. If not, there would not seem to be any basis to award you sole custody. But if the other parent is incompetent in some way, then a legal basis would exist. If both parents turn out to be incompetent then the child can become a ward of the state.

Two parents unwed have a child no custody agreement reside in Michigan the mother took off to Florida to visit won't let the child come bak to Michigan where does custody agreement reside?

Michigan has adopted the UCCJEA. What you're asking is, which State should have jurisdiction over custody. The answer is, and will always be Michigan. Decker v. Lyle (2003).

In the state of Oklahoma do I have to file for Custody of my newborn that I just gave birth to?

I wouldn't think so. You are the mother therefore you all ready have custody of your baby. Your coworker is wrong. Unless you have another person who wants the baby as the natural mother your rights are established. Custody issues come from a spouse or partner that wants the baby.