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Q: What about mobile phones makes them more expensive to use than a home phone besides the fact that they are more convenient?
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Related questions

Are mobile phones expensive toys?

mobile phones are expensive toys because you can play games on them and a mobile can cost a minimum of let's say 100 dollars so i think they are expensive toys

Why does using piezoceramics in mobile phones have an economic advantage?

The use of piezoceramics in mobile phones have an economic advantage because they are cheaper than the other alternatives. They are also very reliable and convenient.

Where are most discount mobile phones produced?

Discount mobile phones and even the expensive mobile phones are generally produced in the same countries. Most of the countries that make electronic devices are the U.S., China, and India.

How expensive was the first mobile phones?

they where expensive for back when they were first bought out not nmany people had them but now they can be expensive as more people have them

What metals are used in mobile phone?

Gold is used in some very expensive phones.

Where is it possible to buy car chargers for mobile phones?

It is possible to buy car charges for mobile phones from several places: mobile phone service provider, electronic stores, general retail stores, convenient stores, pawn stores, and garage sales.

Cost of collect calls to cell phones?

It depends on the carrier. However - collect calls to mobile (cell) phones are very expensive !

What are some other phones besides LG and Samsung?

Sony ericson, nokia, Iphone, cherry mobile.

Can t mobile phones be used in the Philippines?

yes, but you need to have t-mobile turn on international roaming. it's expensive but it will work.

What are mobile phones positive effects on your life?

well i think the posive impact is that phones are useful for comunicating and the negetive impact is that they are expensive.

How expensive are the newest mobile phones?

Mobile phones can vary in price quite a bit. This depends on what features and carrier you want in a cell phone. For instance, you can spend hundreds of dollars on an apple Iphone.

Did boats have phones on them in 1920?

no they did not use phones. phones were to expensive no they did not use phones. phones were to expensive no they did not use phones. phones were to expensive