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Q: What about severe hearing loss in only one ear in elderly?
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Can hearing come back?

if you have only partial loss of hearing

Severe loss of hearing which your doctor and ausiologist say is due to working around loud noises after retiring your hearing continues to gradually get worse is that caused by your original loss?

It doesnt always get worse. but it never gets better. It only depends on how much you surround youself by noise. Loud noise will destroy your hearing loss over a long period of time.

At what hearing loss percentage should you get a hearing aid?

Audiologists do not measure hearing in terms of percentage. Rather, hearing loss is determined based on how patients perform on hearing tests. If the patient has a hard time hearing people in conversation, the doctor may recommend a hearing aid.

What percentage of deaf under 18 are born with it?

The answer to this question will begin with a simply explanation of the term "deaf." Deaf or deafness is sometimes used inappropriately for any amount of hearing loss. However, deafness really refers to hearing loss that is so great that hearing aids provide little or no help with communication. Most persons with hearing loss can hear some sounds and, therefore, are more appropriately referred to as "hard of hearing", or "hearing impaired" rather than deaf. Approximately 3 children out of every 1000 are born with severe-to-profound hearing loss, that is, the amount of hearing loss often referred to as deafness. The prevalence of congenital hearing loss (present at birth) increases up to 6/1000 if all amounts of hearing loss are taken into account, including hearing loss only in one ear. Recent studies show that the prevalence of hearing loss increases in childhood so that up to 14% of all teenagers have some degree of difficulty hearing. Different factors account for the increase in childhood hearing loss with age, among them risk indicators for delayed onset and progressive hearing loss plus preventable causes such as exposure to excessively loud sounds. Hearing in infants and young children is essential for the development of speech and language skills, communication, and learning. The impact of hearing loss on the acquisition of speech and language begins within the first 6 months after birth, before a child has even uttered a single word. Early hearing loss detection and intervention (EHDI) has expanded greatly within the past 15 to 20 years. EHDI programs are now in place throughout the United States and in many developed countries to find as soon as possible infants and young children with any amount of hearing loss, and to provide prompt and appropriate intervention for the hearing loss. A large body of research confirms the benefits of early intervention for hearing loss. With early and appropriate intervention, such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and auditory therapy, any child with any degree of hearing loss can develop normal speech and language abilities.

Can sinus drain in the ears?

They can leak in your inner ears, causing partial to full hearing loss, but only temporary loss.

How to Discover Hearing Loss in Young Adults?

Hearing loss is common among the elderly, but a new unfortunate trend in the United States is hearing loss among young adults. Hearing loss among young adults has been increasing since the late 1990s. This is because many young adults and teenagers listen to loud music and use headphones while using the computer.Hearing loss is something that has been associated with the elderly, however this scary trend in the United States is changing the way people and doctors view hearing loss. Recently, there has been many tests done on young people, mainly ranging from the ages of 18 to 25. Many of these young people that have been tested suffer from hearing loss symptoms. These common hearing loss symptoms include such things as ringing in ears, and an inability to hear quiet noises.These tests performed on young people indicate that hearing loss is starting earlier than it has in previous generations. Researchers and doctors believe this is due to all the loud music, surround sound systems, and headphones with high definition sound that have been produced recently. Hearing loss was once something only the elderly and adults who worked in loud noise environments suffered from, but the recent trend in hearing loss also applies to young people. This is a disturbing phenomenon, because many young people do not think they need to take a proper precautions against hearing loss.The proper precautions against hearing loss include such things as not listening to loud music for hours, turning the volume down on high-definition television sets, and using speakers instead of headphones to listen to music. These are just a few ways that can prevent premature hearing loss in young adults. Most doctors recommend that headphones not be worn at all, because they can damage eardrums significantly if the music is even a little bit too loud. The iPod is believed to have helped cause the premature hearing loss in young people, simply because it is a high definition music player and comes equipped with headphones that sit right up against the eardrum.Hearing loss in young people is a dangerous new trend that has been increasing over the past decade. With new personal music players being produced, it is important that young people take the necessary steps to prevent hearing loss.

Do thread worms cause weight loss?

yes pin worms make you loss weight and loss of appetitite,

Does tinnitus cause hearing loss?

Tinnitus is a symptom of hearing loss. While there is no cure for tinnitus, for many people using hearing aids can reduce the severity of the tinnitus. To get the best results it is important to establish the frequency and intensity the tinnitus.It may sometimes be a symptom of hearing loss.

Buying Digital Hearing Devices?

Many elderly people spend thousands of dollars on medications and medical supplies every year. The sad truth is that expenses for such products can cut into an elderly person's budget in tremendous ways. Many elderly people have set budgets that only cover the very basic necessities of groceries and other things. By purchasing digital hearing devices for affordable prices, elderly people can save immense amounts of money and add that money to their monthly budgets. It can be a very wise decision for elderly people to purchase digital hearing devices that are affordable and on the cheaper side of the spectrum. This article will discuss how elderly people can go about purchasing digital hearing devices for great and affordable prices. First, an elderly person may want to check his or her local dollar store for affordable digital hearing devices. Oddly enough, stores like these typically carry hearing devices for incredibly affordable prices. The only problem is that one will likely end up purchasing a hearing device that may not last for long. The quality of hearing devices sold at places like dollar stores is typically not that great. Sometimes, the sound quality in such hearing devices can be very rough on an elderly person's ears too. Another place an elderly person may want to check for purchasing digital hearing devices is a department store that features discounts for senior citizens. It can be a smart idea to purchase a digital hearing device from an ordinary department or grocery store, if that store carries hearing aids and offers senior citizens a great discount. Some stores offer great discounts that can make up for more expensive prices of products for senior citizens especially. This can be a great route for any elderly person looking to find a great deal on hearing aid devices. Another great place to look for digital hearing devices is the local pharmacy. Local pharmacies typically feature digital hearing devices, except they are usually pricier at places like these. It is only recommended to buy a hearing aid from places like this, if one has a coupon or if there is a special promotion going on at that particular store. Otherwise, an elderly person may end up spending a lot of extra money that he or she did not anticipate spending on the digital hearing aid. Overall, the best tip is to compare prices amongst stores for the best deal.

Is permanent damage to hearing caused by loud noises?

Exposure to loud noises can indeed cause permanent hearing damage. It doesn't always happen and it's not the only way to suffer hearing loss though.

How can you correct hearing loss?

Unfortunately, in most cases hearing loss does not improve. However, some types of hearing loss can be caused by problems which may be treated medically, such as ear infections or a perforated ear-drum. These types of loss can often improve. If the loss is a nerve loss, as is most hearing loss, it is not likely to get better. Depends on the cause of hearing loss. If the loss is conductive - ie. caused by a problem with the ear canal, ear drum, bones behind the ear or middle ear cavity, there is a good chance that it could be treated surgically. If the hearing loss is due to changes in the nerves (sensorineural hearing loss) then there is no surgical, medical or alternative treatment that will improve the hearing. An audiologist will be able to tell you if your results indicate that you have a conductive, sensorineural or mixed (both types) loss.

I am a receptionist for 14 yrs and use the phone. Recently had trouble hearing went to a hearing doctor had a MRI and told I have hearing loss. Can using the phone cause hearing loss. I am 58 yrs.?

Check with the doctor, but more likely the cause is age related and you are fat, perhaps you listen to loud rock music or are dog? no. but go for it somebody might believe you. Answer Phone use is not typically considered as a reason for hearing loss. However, my father-in-law worked for Ma Bell for 40 years. Through disscussions with him, I learned that phone operaters that worked in the early years for Ma Bell, often did end up with a hearing loss. There is an ancedotal connection between phone operators in the 40-60s and the development of long-term hearing loss. I have several patients whose only work history with exposure to loud sounds came from the phone industry years ago. Even so their only recourse was to wear hearing aids.