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Hearing loss is common among the elderly, but a new unfortunate trend in the United States is hearing loss among young adults. Hearing loss among young adults has been increasing since the late 1990s. This is because many young adults and teenagers listen to loud music and use headphones while using the computer.

Hearing loss is something that has been associated with the elderly, however this scary trend in the United States is changing the way people and doctors view hearing loss. Recently, there has been many tests done on young people, mainly ranging from the ages of 18 to 25. Many of these young people that have been tested suffer from hearing loss symptoms. These common hearing loss symptoms include such things as ringing in ears, and an inability to hear quiet noises.

These tests performed on young people indicate that hearing loss is starting earlier than it has in previous generations. Researchers and doctors believe this is due to all the loud music, surround sound systems, and headphones with high definition sound that have been produced recently. Hearing loss was once something only the elderly and adults who worked in loud noise environments suffered from, but the recent trend in hearing loss also applies to young people. This is a disturbing phenomenon, because many young people do not think they need to take a proper precautions against hearing loss.

The proper precautions against hearing loss include such things as not listening to loud music for hours, turning the volume down on high-definition television sets, and using speakers instead of headphones to listen to music. These are just a few ways that can prevent premature hearing loss in young adults. Most doctors recommend that headphones not be worn at all, because they can damage eardrums significantly if the music is even a little bit too loud. The iPod is believed to have helped cause the premature hearing loss in young people, simply because it is a high definition music player and comes equipped with headphones that sit right up against the eardrum.

Hearing loss in young people is a dangerous new trend that has been increasing over the past decade. With new personal music players being produced, it is important that young people take the necessary steps to prevent hearing loss.

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Who Needs a Hearing Test?

How do you know if you or a family member needs a hearing tests? Hearing tests can be used as screening tests to pick up hearing deficits that might not have been noticed or to diagnose known problems.Babies and ChildrenNewborns are routinely tested for hearing problems. Young children may also be tested either during routine medical checkups or to rule out hearing problems as a cause for speech disorders or delays. School age children are often tested in school or at medical appointments.AdultsAdults are most often tested for hearing problems only if signs of hearing loss have been observed, such as difficulty in hearing conversational tones. Adults may also be tested after exposure to situations that can damage hearing, such as head trauma or loud noises. Adults may also be tested if they are taking medications that can damage hearing, such as certain antibiotics. Adults who are often exposed to loud noises may benefit from regular testing.Older AdultsBecause hearing loss is common in older adults, routine hearing tests may be done during physical examinations. Hearing tests may also be done for older adults who report hearing loss. In some cases, hearing tests may be done on the request of care givers or medical professionals as a result of changes of behavior, such as withdrawing or difficulty following conversations, to rule out hearing loss as a cause.Diagnosing Hearing ProblemsHearing tests are often done to identify the specific type of hearing loss. Hearing tests can determine if the problem is that the sound waves are not entering the inner ear to be processed or if it is damage to the brain or nerves. Once the type of hearing problem is confirmed, causes and treatments can be investigated.Obtaining Hearing AidsHearing tests can determine if someone is a good candidate for a hearing aid. A test can confirm if hearing loss is present and if a hearing aid would help.Hearing problems can have serious effects on a person's well being. Hearing loss can interfere with speech and learning in children and can cause interpersonal problems for adults by interfering with conversation. Hearing tests are designed to identify problems that might be hard to notice in daily life and can provide more information on the exact amount and type of hearing loss.

What are common behaviors that can indicate hearing loss?

The impact of hearing loss is quite different for children versus adults. We'll consider behaviors and other effects of hearing loss separately for these two groups. For infants and young children, behaviors associated with hearing loss include inconsistent responses to environmental sounds like a telephone ringing and to caregivers who are speaking to the child. Infant hearing loss usually interferes with the development of speech and language. Family concern is one of the important risk indicators for childhood hearing loss. Over time, hearing loss in infants and pre-school children can lead to a speech and language delay but, with early identification, accurate diagnosis, and then appropriate intervention like hearing aids and speech therapy, children with any amount of hearing loss can develop normal speech and language, and effective communication skills. School age children with hearing loss are likely to struggle in the classroom as evidenced by inability to follow instructions, reading delays, and low grades. Hearing assistive technology, including hearing aids and amplification devices to enhance the teacher's voice provide considerable benefit for such children. A variety of behaviors in older children and adults are associated with acquired hearing loss, that is, hearing loss that occurs after the person has already developed speech and language. The most obvious problem is difficulty hearing and understanding what other people are saying, particularly during conversations in noisy settings like restaurants, social events, or automobiles. The person with a hearing impairment may repeatedly say "What?" or "Could you repeat that?" Spouses may be the first to complain about their loved one's hearing loss, along with friends and co-workers. Unfortunately, on average 7 years pass between the day when an adult with a hearing loss first experiences difficulties and when they decide to seek help for the problem. Over time a hearing loss in an adult results in psychosocial problems, behaviors such as irritability, frustration, discouragement, anxiety, and even withdrawal from friends and family members. With modern technology all persons with hearing loss can be helped. Most types of hearing loss cannot be helped with medicine or surgery but hearing aids and other hearing devices can almost always improve communication and quality of life for adults with hearing loss.

What is the scientific name for deafness?

The scientific term for deafness is "hearing loss" or "hearing impairment." It can be categorized based on the severity and type, such as conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, or mixed hearing loss.

Is hearing loss in older adults most noticeable?

Truthfully, people of all ages are able to use hearing aids. There is no confirmed age for when someone's hearing my be lost. Yet, people mostly notice their hearing problems when they're approaching older ages.

Are hearing loss and hearing impairment the same thing?

No. Hearing loss depends on the decibel listened to and the period of time. Everyone is prone to having hearing loss.

What is progressive and sudden hearing loss?

The progressive hearing loss means that, hearing loss becomes worse over time. Sudden hearing loss means, hearing loss that happens quickly. Such a hearing loss requires immediate medical attention to determine its cause and treatment. The Art of hearing is one of the audiologists in Perth, WA which provides free online hearing tests. So it is easy to undergo hearing tests.

Can Syphillis cause hearing loss?

No, chlamydia does not cause hearing loss.

Do portable music devices as a young adult contribute to hearing loss?

If you listen to them too loudly they can damage your ears.

When was Action on Hearing Loss created?

Action on Hearing Loss was created in 1911.

What is hearing loss that comes from the eardrum not transmitting vibrations?

conduction hearing loss

What is the way hearing loss is classified?

list the way that hearing loss is classified