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Q: What about the time period could explain the lighter tone of the 1924 Ford ad and the more ominous tone of the 1936 Listerine ad?
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How do you know your period is ending?

The bleeding will get lighter and lighter towards the end of your period. bloating will decrease

How do you get a lighter period?

Unfortunetly you cannot ):

Can amoxicillin make your period lighter?

yes it can

What was that period?

What was that period like? Was it heavier than normal, lighter than normal?

What can cause lighter periods?

Birth control can help to make your period lighter, and a tad quicker.

Why only small amount of blood coming out on your menstruation period?

Simply your period is light - some women's periods are lighter than others, and everyone can have the odd period that's lighter than usual.

How much lighter is a period when you are pregnant?

u dont get ur period when u are pregnant.

What food makes your period lighter?

hello, to make your period lighter, you might aswell eat healthy foods. fruits and vegetables make it a lot better for your period, and you'll feel much better about yourself.

What are some birth control pills that make your period lighter?

In general, all birth control pills, as well as the patch and ring and the Mirena IUD, make your period lighter.

Do you have very light period on your first day?

Yes it is normal for BCP to make your period lighter.

Why was my period lighter this month?

Perhaps you weigh lesser this month.

Does bloating go away after a period?

Yes, during your period when it gets lighter and lighter and eventually stops your boosting will go away as well.