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Q: What according to Romeo was the name jailors gave to the merry spirits of condemned men?
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What according to Romeo was the name jailors gave to the Merry spirits of condemned?

According to Romeo, the name jailors gave to the merry spirits of condemned prisoners was "Romeo's soul."

How would other monarchs react when romeo killed Tybalt?

Another monarch might have condemned Romeo to death.

Why isn't Romeo condemned to die as the prince promised?

Romeo did not die when the prince promised because of Juliet. They both very much in love.

According to Romeo's parents how has Romeo been spending his days?

romeo spends his day alone and weeping over rosaline

What banishment equal to according to Romeo?

smoking pot

Where is Romeo to go before daybreak?

Romeo is to go to Mantua before daybreak, according to Friar Lawrence's advice.

Do romeo and Juliet have a baby?

No, they did not have children together according to the story.

Why does mercutio engage romeo in conversation about fashion?

Mercutio engages Romeo in conversation about fashion as a way to distract him and lift his spirits from his love-sick state over Rosaline. Additionally, Mercutio uses witty banter and humor about Romeo's melancholy to lighten the mood and inject some levity into the situation.

Where does Romeo go when he dies?

Well, a lot depends on your theology, doesn't it? According to the theology of the religion everyone seems to be practicing in the play, Romeo is destined for Hell as suicide is a terrible sin according to Catholicism.

Who according to the prince is responsible for all of the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet?

According to the prince in Romeo and Juliet, both the Montagues and Capulets are responsible for the tragic events due to their ongoing feud and behavior. He believes their family rivalry ultimately led to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

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