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"What_were_the_maya_achivements"They created terrace farming and the spoken but not written language, quechua. spider341 (asa)

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they have their pyramids

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as grown ups say it maize

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Q: What achievements do the Mayans have?
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What were the Mayans Intellectual Achievements?

Mayans intellectual achievement was to pee off people

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2 achievements were that the Aztecs conqured land and they won a war with the mayans

What were the Mayan architectural achievements?

the biggest building the mayans built was 20 storuies tall

What is the importance of tikal?

Tikal was once the home to around 100,000 Maya peoples. The ancient ruins reveal that these hard working people lived from about 1800 BC to 900 AD. The importance of the ancient city was to provide a living area for the Mayans. It was difficult to thrive in the dense jungles, but the Mayans proved that it was possible. We rely on the achievements of the Mayans this very day. It may not seem too important, but the Mayans impacted modern life greatly.

What were the mayans very skilled at?

Two things that the Mayans are famous for are their engineering and scientific achievements. This ancient civilization, which inhabited parts of present-day Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, designed and built elaborate temples and pyramid that are still standing. They also had a great understanding of astronomy, mathematics, and calendar-making. They also had a written language.

What are the similarties between Aztecs and mayans?

Both the Aztecs and the Mayans were advanced civilizations in Mesoamerica known for their achievements in architecture, art, agriculture, and astronomy. They both had complex social structures, polytheistic religious beliefs, and intricate calendar systems. Additionally, both civilizations were eventually conquered by Spanish conquistadors during the 16th century.

What weather did the Mayans have?

The Mayans had hot weather.

What is the birth name of Antonio Mayans?

Antonio Mayans's birth name is Mayans Hervs, Jos Antonio.

Are the Mayans preserving the past?

the mayans are not preserving the past

How did Mayans communicate?

The mayans had a writing called the hieroglyphs.

Why did Mayans build observations?

Why did the mayans build observations

What hobbies did Mayans do?

the Mayans made weapons and hunted