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Q: What act as intracellular signals to begin the immune response?
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What does an antigen do?

An antigen is a foreign body. It is used as a "template" to begin an appropriate immune response.

What is the viral theory of Sjogren's syndrome?

The viral theory suggests that the immune system is activated in response to a viral invader, but then fails to turn itself off. Some other immune malfunction then causes the overly active immune system to begin attacking the body's own tissues.

Does swelling hurt?

Inflammation is a response from your immune system in response to an irritant. For example, if you sprain your ankle, your immune system creates a protein called a Circulating Immune Complex (CIC for short). The CIC travels down to the injured ankle and causes pain and swelling.The pain you feel is to inform you of the injury or damage. And the swelling is protective as it prevents you from moving it and causing more irritation. This is also your body's way of running to the problem with fresh blood, antibodies and vital cells in order to begin healing and repairing the damage.from:

How the immune system works?

The immune system is run by white blood cells which attack any foriegn objects in the body. They grow stronger and begin to recognize sickness which allows you to become fully immune if you have a great immune system.

What are some nouns that begin with the letter a with meanings?

· answer - the response to a question

How do you write a personal response question?

You begin the question with a capital & end it with a ?as in "What do you want to do tonite?" - response - "Well what do you want to do?"

How did Lincolns response to the civil war begin?

Blockading the Southern ports.

Why would a person with aid for example not be able fight off and survive ifections by microorganisms they usually begin?

because HIV, AIDS attacks your body's immune system. You know the system responsible for fighting off infections and making it possible for wounds to heal and such. When there is no immune system response to a virus or infection, then said virus or infection takes over rendering the body defenseless.

What is bone metastasis?

Bone metastasis (plural; metastases) is the formation of cancerous cells inside bone. Bone metastases are usually caused by secondary metastases. It is a complex system that the cells undergo to inhabit the bone: Cancerous cells undergo loss of intracellular cohesion, basically they lose the ability the stick together and also generate their own blood supply. Cancer cells then need to enter the blood system and survive. they attach themselves to blood cells and platelets and regain the ability of intracellular cohesion. when they reach the destination, they escape the blood supply; this process is called extravasion (the forcing of fluid out of a vessel) in this case out of the vein's, and into the target organ (in this case bone - intravasion). They then must evade capture by the immune system. They do this by sending out biological signals to prevent the immune system from fighting the cells. they then begin the process of doubling again and again. To understand the biological effects on the bone look at coupled remodelling, which is a process run in equilibrium of normal bone oblation and remodelling until the bone metastases interfere with this process.

What are the warning signals of a migraine?

Some people who get migraine headaches have warning signals before the headaches begin, such as restlessness, tingling in an arm or leg, or seeing patterns of flashing lights.

Are promoters signals in RNA that indicate RNA polymerase when to begin transcription?

I found this information in my Biology textbook.

When you hit your head why do you get a bump?

AnswerWhen you bump your head you cause damage to various cells that make up your tissues. Consequently, the cells release prostoglandins, and other molecules including vasodilators and constrictors, that activate an immune response. Specifically they modulate a non-specific inflammatory response, which in a nutshell causes increased blood flow to the damaged area (simplified version). The whole purpose of the increased blood flow is to allow the transport of critical immune molecules (neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes) to the site of damage so that they may begin the repair process.