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The Law Against The Formation Of Political Parties was passed on the 14th of July 1933. All parties other than the Nazis were banned and their leaders put in prison.

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Q: What act outlawed all political parties in Germany except the Nazi Party?
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Why is Nazism illegal in Germany?

In Germany and Austria, it is constitutionally forbidden. Germany's supreme court even has the power to ban political parties that are too similar to the Nazi Party (the court has only done so twice since World War 2). It's even forbidden to display Nazi symbols, like flags or badges. Outside of Germany and Austria, it's generally not illegal except in countries that were victims of the Nazis, like France and Israel.

These are all facets or functions of political parties EXCEPT?

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What Political parties did Hitler ban?

At the end of March 1933, Hitler's coalition government was able to pass an amendment to the constitution which is commonly called the "Enabling Act". The Enabling Act took most of the government's power and basically gave it directly to Hitler himself. So Hitler could make up laws as he wanted, and had full control of all military and police forces, in addition to the Nazi Party's own paramilitary forces. In less than three months, he had successfully outlawed other political parties or had used the threat of arrest or violence to intimidate allied political parties into disbanding and joining his Nazi Party.

Will the Scottish conservatives join the backing of an independent Scotland?

No. All the major political parties except for the SNP are against an independent Scotland.

How do political parties slow the government down?

Political parties in democratic nations are said to be slowing down their governments, in some cases based purely on "party politics". In most cases however, the democratic process is better served when government actions are examined by various republic or parliamentary committees and the process of having executive branch appointees be approved by a US Senate as example or by some other approval system in other governments. Political parties are essential in governments in order that executive polices are not "rammed" through and carried out without proper review. This is what political parties do in that regard. One of the first goals of a potential dictator is to eliminate all parties except one, the party of the "dictator". In Imperial Japan and in Nazi Germany, for example, "things" moved rather quickly in government as no opposition parties existed. In summation, political parties slow down governments by reviewing, and debating government actions or plans for actions. In the view of many historians and political scientists, the "slowing down" is a virtue.

What was outlawed with the 13th amendment?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.

Why is it so important to political parties to have a majority in American representative systems?

It's important for political parties to have a majority in both the legislative houses, because America parties have become extremely partisan. Members of Congress are more likely to vote along with their party's political views rather than whether or not a bill is actually good for the country. They also tend to vote the opposite of the rival party, except in very rare cases. As a result, a majority in both houses, can lead to all that party's political bills being passed.

Why did Joseph Stalin believe he had to purge his country of other political parties?

He was a committed orthodox Marxist/Leninist and that is what that version of communist doctrine demanded, so he had no choice except to believe it and do it.

Is organization of congress closely tied to political parties?

Except for the Speaker of the House being from the party that has the most members in the House of Representatives, Congress is not formally organized on the basis of parties. Unfortunately, party loyalty seems to play a very large part informally.

What is pet parties?

Hi, pet parties I'm sure are like people parties, except for pets. check out this website

What are the similarities of political leaders of El Salvador and the leaders of the US?

They are elected to represent constituents. El Salvador is a republic set up to resemble the govt. of the U.S., except the Legislative Branch is unicameral (no Senate.) El Salvador has many political parties; however the two most popular ones --ARENA and the FMLN-, ideologically resemble the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively.

Who became the leader of Italy Abolished democracy and outlawed all political parties except his?

The Fascist dictator- Mussolini. Benito also launched the anti-comics crusade in his home country. Barney Google got the axe as it was deemed ( By Mussolini and King Victor) as poking fun at the Royal family- Barney Google had a wife two times his size. Elena was a tall woman, rare among Italian Girls, but a beautiful one!