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Q: What act taxed imported goods such as glass?
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In 1767 what placed taxes on imported goods such as glass?

Townshend Act

First tax imposed on American citizens?

The first tax ever was the sugar act. The sugar act taxed all imported goods from England.

What is the town shed?

The TownShend Act were British laws that taxed goods such as glass, paint, paper, silk, tea. :]

Which act taxed glass paint lead and tea?

The Townshend Duty Act, enacted in 1767, placed a tax on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea imported into the colonies. Hope this helps! :)

What Act passed by England taxed basic goods?

after the British repealed the stamp act they put in another law instead it was called the townshed acts and it taxed things such as lead, paper, tea, glass and paint.

What is the significance of the town shed act of 1767?

The TownShend Act were British laws that taxed goods such as glass, paint, paper, silk, tea. :]

What were colonists taxed on?

The colonists were taxed on molasses, sugar (Molasses act), newspapers, pamphlets and signing legal documents (Stamp Act). They were also forced to provide British soldiers with food, drink, candles and places to live (Quartering Act). Then there came the Townshend Acts, which taxed tea, paper, glass, lead and paint imported from Britain. The Molasses Act was repealed in 1764, the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, the Townshend Acts were repealed in about 1773, but Britain kept a tax on tea (Tea Act).

What is the difference in the Townsend Act and The Stamp Act?

The Townshend Act put taxes on goods, like tea, glass, lead, and paints, that are imported from Britain. The Stamp Act put a tax on anything that is printed on paper.

What kind of goods were being taxed by Britain?

sugar act

The product taxed under the Townshend Act that generated the greatest colonial resistance?

Soon after the repeal of the Stamp Act, England tried again to tax the colonies. They imposed the Townshend Act which placed a tax on paper, glass and tea as well as other goods. The colonists responded with the Non-Importation Agreement in which they declared a year-long boycott on all the taxed goods.

What act taxed lead glass paint and tea?

The Townshend Revenue Act taxed paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea. This effectively led to the demonstration known as the Boston Tea Party.

Did the stamp act place a tax on goods imported from Britain?
