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Q: What action by the British government prompted Americans to design the mock stamp on the cartoon?
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How did Benjamin Franklin contribute to the American revolution?

Ben Franklin was a great scientist and helped the Americans in the American Revolution by trying to unite the Colonies. He made the famous cartoon of a cut up snake that said " Join or Die ". Ben also introduced electricity for the first time in history. He helped by spreading news around the Colonies about importent Revolution news about battles and other intillegence. Without Ben the fight against the British would have been much harder. It is a fact that he was a true Founding Father.

Is a cartoon in history regarded as a primary or secondary source?

It is a secondary source because i doubt the person would sit there during the event and draw a cartoon. Cartoons usually represent a meaning or event or period in time: for example:- 1.the American goose being slaughtered to fill the fat stomachs of the British! Hope this helps! <3

How did the Berlin conference lead to the situation shown in this cartoon?

What the heck cartoon is you talking about?!

Who was Potato Pete in World War 2?

"Potato Pete" was a British cartoon character, originally used in World War 2 to promote the consumption of potatoes, especially those grown in home gardens.

What aspect of the US government is best illustrated in the cartoon 'The President Proposes The Senate Disposes' showing the Treaty of Versailles in the wastebasket SEE Discuss for choices?

This link shows the cartoon if you scroll halfway down. Click the View PDF link next to the image. Also is on the 4tests website.

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When was British Cartoon Archive created?

British Cartoon Archive was created in 1973.

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What is the date of Benjamin Franklin's ''join or die'' political cartoon?

The French and Indian war prompted Benjamin Franklin to use a political cartoon to stress the need for Colonial unity .

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Which aspect of the US government is best lilustrated in the cartoon description

Ben farnklin's first political cartoon was?

"Join, or Die" , a political cartoon encouraging the colonies to unite against the British .

Is The Smurfs a British cartoon?

No, it's produced by Hanna-Barbera, which is American.

What type of family are the Griffins?

Type? They're Cartoon-Americans. What exactly are you asking?

What was the first feature length british cartoon?

Animal Farm was the first British animated feature released worldwide .

Look at source a explain why the cartoon of the british officer before he set of for the front was so differet to cartoon of him after weeks in the trenche?

The British officer look so different to cartoon of him after week in trenche because of the shooting pain they have in the shin and was followed by a very high fever. by Raj B.

What is funny sentence for British?

I saw a funny political cartoon in a Britsh newspaper.

What did the US government do in response to the event referred to in the cartoon and headline?

We really need more information than that provided - perhaps a link to the cartoon itself .

What is the most popular government cartoon illustration?

Benjamin Franklin's "Join , or Die" .