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French Revolutionaries were inspired by various Enlightenment ideas such as the social contract. These ideas claimed that the people had the right to change their form of government if the existing government failed to perform its responsibilities. As a result, many French citizens joined together to overthrow the monarchy.

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Q: What action by the leaders of the French Revolution demonstrates that they were influenced by Enlightenment ideas?
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What action by the leaders of the french revolution demonstrates that they were influenced by Enlightenment?

French Revolutionaries were inspired by various Enlightenment ideas such as the social contract. These ideas claimed that the people had the right to change their form of government if the existing government failed to perform its responsibilities. As a result, many French citizens joined together to overthrow the monarchy.

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Answer this question… Leaders do not have the right to oppress their people.

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leaders came to power in Great Britain.

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The people have the right to overthrow their government if it abuses its powers.

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The leaders of the Enlightenment wanted a central authority to control the government.

In what ways did the leaders of the French Revolution borrow ideas from the American Revolution?

The French Revolution borrowed enlightenment ideas which had first been successfully put into place in America. Read "the declaration of the rights of man" its littered with stuff that's almost straight out of the American constitution.

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Locke, Rousseau, and Paine influenced the American Revolution significantly, if that helps at all...

Who were the leaders of the enlightenment?

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine A+

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Enlightenment thinkers believed people should choose their own leaders.

What were some of the enlightenment ideas that helped inspire the french revolution?

Rousseau's ideas inspire many leaders of the French Revolution. Rousseau fought for individual freedom. He though that a direct democracy was the best form of government.

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Laissez-faire economics.

Who were the leaders the enlightenment in America?

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine A+