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In the short story "A Chip of Glass Ruby," Mrs. Bamjee spends her time and energy caring for her husband, working as a housemaid, practicing her faith through daily prayers, and engaging in acts of kindness towards others in her community. She is a compassionate and hardworking individual who finds purpose and fulfillment in helping those around her.

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Q: What activities occupy mrs bamjees time and energy In the short story a chip of glass ruby?
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Is there energy in an ice cube?

yes... if it is just sitting there, it has potential energy..... if it is falling into a glass, it has kinetic energy

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If a sufficient amount of energy is added to a glass of ice water, the ice will melt, and if a sufficient amount of energy is removed, the water will freeze solid.

What happens if energy is added to a glass of ice water?

If the energy is heat, the water will warm up. If it is kinetic, like throwing it against the wall, the glass will absorb the energy and probably smash into bits.