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I believe confessing one's sins is a way saying that you are sorry for sins you committed. Protestants repent their sins out loud, and Catholics confess to a priest in confessional.


If you have caused hurt to another person, apologizing to them in person is also important, and also making a real effort not to commit the same kind of sin again. This can be difficult but it means a lot and shows that you are sorry.

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Q: What acts say you are sorry for your sins?
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Yes, true sorrow is for your sins because you should be truly sorry (Sorry for offending God ) for your sins.

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It makes sure htat you sins are 100% forgiven by God. In the sacrament of reconciliation, you face your sins head on and say to God that you are truly sorry.

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It all depends on who you believe in. Assuming you are a Christian, pray to God and He will forgive your sins. It is still a mystery how and it will always be a mystery. Say that you are sorry for everything you have done and really mean it when you say that.

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God ALWAYS forgives you if you are sorry for your sins.

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During the sacrament of reconciliation, the priest usually greets you and may invite you to begin by making the sign of the cross. The priest will then invite you to confess your sins and may offer some guidance or ask questions to help you reflect on your actions. After you have confessed your sins, the priest will offer words of comfort, advice, and encouragement, and then assign you a penance to complete as a way of showing your desire for healing and reconciliation. Finally, the priest will absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is your first confesion and you have hundreds of sins. How do go about confessing?

When you confess it's all about saying you're sorry. All you do is say everything you want to be forgiven for doing and then try to not do them again.

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Discern whether or not you're truly sorry. If you are. Go to a priest and give him your confession. Your sins will be absolved (by God) through the priest. Then you can start fresh. The previous sins will be forgotten.

What are the four steps to Catholic confession?

The first step is contrition, that is saying sorry to the people you have sinned to and getting their apology...Feel sorry for your sins too... this has cleansed you 50 % The second step is self examination. Recall all the sins you have commited. The third step is to confess it in the confessional box. The last step is say the penance which you have been told by the priest. This has cleansed your soul 100 % God Bless!!!!

Do you have to say the sins that you want to repent or do you say you want to repent all sins Since you are quilty of all?

God knows what sin/sins you are thinking about, yet its good for you to acknowledge it yourself.

How do you say sorry to mr. resetti on animal crossing?

If he wants you to say sorry, then you can. You can say either "Really Sorry" or "Very Sorry".

What is a mass of reconciliation?

a mass of reconciliation is when you have a mass of asking for forgiveness and saying sorry for your sins