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The baby giraffe ferments itself inside the mothers stomach for approximately 3 months and then when it is ready it is set into the wilderness. By then the mother giraffe has taught the baby how to eat and thinks it is now ready.

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Q: What adaptation does a giraffe have so it can survive in the habitat climate and location it lives in?
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A giraffe is adapted by having a long neck to reach the leaves off of the tallest trees. So they can eat the leaves.

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Why is the habitat for a giraffe perfect?

because there is plants and trees the giraffe eat off of

What is the habitat and range of a giraffe?

IN Africa the wild

What are the special arrangements made for animals came from different habitat?

The special arrangement made for animals that make them come from different habitat depends with the climate and what they take as food. This usually leads to various forms of adaptation.

What does it mean to adapt as an animal?

It means to evolve, or change their ways, to survive in the habitat they are placed.

What else lives in a giraffe habitat?

Rabbits and cayotes.

What is a giraffe's feature that shows how it adapt to its habitat?

The long neck on a giraffe allows it to reach the acacia leaves.

How does an animals adaptation lnked to the environment found in their partcular habitat?

Because their adaptation helps them survive in their habitat easier. For example: A deer can make fast and quick movements; it protects themselves from predators within their habitat.