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Q: What adaptation of the coloration of a tawny frog mouth?
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Is a tawny frog mouth endangered?

No, the Tawny Frogmouth is not an endangered species.

How is the coloration of the frog an adaptation to its habitat?

In the frogs mind, the coloratoin is camoflage, so hopefully the hunter won't even see the frog to begin with.

What structures of the mouth help a frog adapt?

They don't, you have it the wrong way round. The structures in the mouth of a frog are adaptations that help it compete and SURVIVE. Structure do not lead to adaptation, structures ARE adaptations.

How is a frog's coloration similar to that of a fish?

A frog can use its coloration to blend with its surroundings, sometimes fish can blend Into their surroundings this is a defense tactic

What is the buccal cavity of the frog?

The Buccal Cavity of frog is the mouth of the frog.

What is frog special adaptation?

porous dermis

Why is the point of attachment of the frog's tongue considered an advantageous adaptation?

AnswerHuman tongues are attached to the back of the mouth and we can only poke them out a short way.A frog has it's tongue attached at the front of the mouth, which means that it can put its tongue out much further. This is an advantage because most frogs eat flies and insects and the like. Because they can flick their tongue a long way out they are able to catch food more effectively. This is an example of an adaptation.

How does the coloration of a frog protect it from its predators in the water and above the water?

The coloration of a frog's skin goes along with its habitat. If you were in an area that had a lot of green vegetation, the frog would be green, and therefore would blend in with its surroundings. There is vegetation under water too, as well as rocks and sticks. So in a different location with a different frog, there would also be different colors to blend in with. Does that make sense?

Way do frog live in ponds?

frogs live in pond environment .list three frog adaptation and describe how they help the frog survive

Where is the tongue located in a frog?

in the mouth

How does a frog get its food into its mouth?

It just opens its mouth and grabs the food.

What is the purpose of a sticky tongue in a frog?

It helps keep the insect in the mouth of the frog