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Q: What adaptations allow the elephants to breathe when they are swimming?
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What are Elephants' adaptations that allow them to get water?

its trunk

How could life exist on a planet that has characteristics different from Earth?

the inhabitants could have special adaptations, such as fish have gills that allow them to breathe under water.

What is the function of a rostrum in a shark?

It helps overcome water resistance in swimming.

Why is your betta swimming around and sticking his nose out of the water?

He's supposed to. Bettas belong to a fish family that has an organ in their heads that allow them to breathe air.

What adaptations do sharks have for chasing prey and high speed swimming?

the shape of their bodies and fins. Their fins have special shapes and sizes that allow them to move quickly through the water.

What adaptations do parrotfish have?

One of the interesting adaptations that parrotfish have is the ability to change from female to male. Another of their adaptations are their teeth, which allow them to eat coral.

What adaptations permit the frog to live on the land and in water?

On water they have webbed feet, they lay eggs, and they have gills to breathe. On land, they have lungs to breathe, have legs to jump, and has a tongue to catch its prey.of it being a fish when it is born and turning into a frog on land and lilipads are on water so it's a both animalOne of the adaptations that allow frogs to live on land and in the water is their permeable skin. This skin allows them to absorb water from their surroundings.

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That would be their wings

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What adaptations does the have that allow it to play that role?

Squid have some important adaptations that allow it to survive. Some of these would be its ability to squirt ink at predators. Also the long tentacles allow it to swim fairly quickly in water.