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He's supposed to. Bettas belong to a fish family that has an organ in their heads that allow them to breathe air.

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Q: Why is your betta swimming around and sticking his nose out of the water?
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Related questions

How do you know when betta's are hungry?

When the fish is swimming around by the top of the water, or where you ushually feed them.

How does the betta fish get its food when it is young?

In the wild, yes, betta fish are carnivorous and are thus required to hunt for food. If you put a live bloodworm into a betta's tank, you can see from the body language of the fish that it is "eyeballing" or even stalking the worm.

Is it okay if your betta is in coldish water?

it is okay but if you want it to swim around then put warm water in it. but not to warm.

Why is betta swimming erratically?

Eratic behaviour is usually associated with putrid water conditions caused by too small a container and insufficient water changes. My advice is to change its water ASAP and then set up a proper small aquarium to keep it in.

What is mushroom float swimming?

it's not a swimming technique, it's a buoyancy technique. you take a deep breath of air and wrap your arms around your legs. you should remain buoyant at the surface with your back almost sticking out of the water. from a side view you would look like a mushroom. hence the name.

Why does your betta do backflips?

This depends on what you mean by backflips. If it's just a way of swimming, but otherwise your betta swims upright and normal most of the time, then it's just being a fish.If your betta is stuck upside-down, it could be related to water quality or a swim bladder issue.

What is water resistance and swimming?

Water resistance is the force that the water has when you are swimming and you will find yourself having to work a little harder in the pool and that is the water working against you and that is water resistance. Swimming is the sport or activity where you move around in the water and have different strokes that you can use to get from point A to point B. the answer is isotonic

Does betta water conditioner hurt glofish?

No it doesn't hurt them it's just about the same and they can eat the same food as Betta too. But i'm not sure for the other way around with Glofish conditioner. Be careful with that Betta though mine killed one :P

How are cohesion and adhesion similar?

they're both properties of water. both involve the "sticking" property of H2O . cohesion is "sticking" together (water sticking to water) and adhesios is water "sticking" to something else. They are both important to life processes

What does it mean when you dream of a big fish swimming around you in water?

bad luck

How does a otter find food?

An otter will hunt for its food by swimming around in the water.

Is betta water conditioner safe for goldfish?

Yes, your betta water conditioner should be a standard water conditioner that can be used in any fish tank.