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they use their heads as an echolocator to locate their preys on dark areas

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Q: What adaptations do sperm whales have to be able to dive so deep?
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Three reasons why save sperm whales?

becuase of the whales co2 tolerant blood and becuase of lactic acid fermentation, whales (like the sperm whale) are able to eat deep sea squid and fish.

Why do white sperm whales make a clicking sound?

Sperm whales are very deep divers as they hunt squid in the deep depths of the oceans. As light can't penetrate that deep, and the whale won't be able to hunt by sight, it uses clicks as sonar to find its prey.

What are sperm whales habitat?

The sperm whale lives in the deep ocean. It is in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean.

How might being able to dive into very deep water be an advantage for whales?

Because of the whale's CO2 tolerant blood and because of lactic acid fermentation, whales (like the sperm whale) are able to dive down deep to eat deep sea squid and fish. Scource: I'm learning this at one of the best high schools in the USA

Which oceans have sperm whales in them?

All of them, but the male Sperm Whales usually stay in the deep waters of Antarctica. The females swim in the warmer waters with their calves. But when it is mating season the females will go to Antarctica. And they give birth by the equator.

Is a whale a herbivore a carnivore or omnivore?

They are omnivores.

What animals eat giant squid?

the sperm whale goes down to the deep and hunts them to eat. they make up a large part of the sperm whale's diet.

How do whales survive deep dives when man cant?

Because they are able to store oxygen in their blood and muscles to use in the deep.

What sea animal eat squid?

sperm whales, deep sea sharks are squid predators

Are sperm whales the largest whales?

Killer Whale - Killer whales usually travel in larger groups and they are a lot faster and more agile. Sperm whales also aren't used to groups of animals attacking them because they are generally deep in the sea where they have no predators and there aren't many animals. Also, killer whales have better eye sight because they use it more while sperm whales are usually in pitch black water where they rely completely on echolocation. Calves and small female groups are at risk, male bull sperm whales are not: The bull sperm whale is much bigger than a killer whale. The bull can grow up-to 65ft and way over 60 tons, have over 40 large 't-rex' style teeth on their bottom jaw, and can become incredibly aggressive when threatened. Their massive head act as the perfect battering rams, and their huge tail flukes can decimate a pod of orcas. Hence orcas rarely engage combat with large bulls sperm whales, as there are plenty of other fish in the sea: ie lower risk, higher reward prey items around

Do sperm whales live in cold or hot water?

They are most commonly found in deep water, they would not be able to survive in shallow water for long, when they do end up there sometimes, it's simply by mistake or they have lost their way. They are very popular in California and New Jersey

What animal is colossal squid found?

Colossal squid is an animal found in the deep ocean depths. Sperm whales love to eat squid, big and small.