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Sperm whales are very deep divers as they hunt squid in the deep depths of the oceans. As light can't penetrate that deep, and the whale won't be able to hunt by sight, it uses clicks as sonar to find its prey.

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Q: Why do white sperm whales make a clicking sound?
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What is a giant squids predator?

Killer Whales,humpback whales,sperm Whales And I Think Blue Whales Too.

Can sperm whales be white?

Very rarely, but they have been noted on occasion.

Who will win between a sperm whale and jaws?

a sperm whale would rip a great white apart if it had to although sharks will not go near whales.

Why are sperm whales called sperms whales?

It has a substance in its head called spermaceti which is milky white and used to be mistaken for sperm. It had various commercial uses that made it quite valuable. It's thought to be associated with the animal's hearing, by helping its ears detect sound when under the water."The name comes from the milky-white waxy substance, spermaceti, found in its head . " ~ WikipediaI believe it is named after the spermaceti that can be extracted from the whale's head. It is a white, milky substance that can easily be (and has been) mistaken for the whale's seman.You're right: it is. It forms a fatty structure that may be connected with the animal's hearing underwater.Obviously as mammals the male sperm whales also make reproductive sperm - but not in their heads as the old-time whale-hunters mistakenly thought!

What colour is a sperm whales eye?

Neon orange and floresent, the are normally white and black

Are whales and dolphins afraid of great white sharks?

Dorphins are afraid of Great Whites, but the shark they fear most is the Tiger Shark. About whales, it depends. Mature Blue whales, Sperm whales, Humpback whales and other large cetaceans do not fear great whites. But their calves DO!

Do killer whales eat the blue sperm whale?

There's one animal called the blue whale. THeen there's Another called sperm whale. There's no animal called blue sperm whale. Orcas sometimes go after whale calves, but rarely take on an adult animal from any of the whale species.

Can a great white swallow a seal?

It is impossible tofr a Great White to eat a sperm whale. Sperm Whale is just too big and too powerful for any shark. An adult Sperm whales is upto 67 feet long and weighs upto 57 tons. Grate white is not even a third of the size. No animal goes against someone three times its size. Also, sperm whale is one hell of a smart animal. It can dive at the depths that would crush a shark to death. Sharks probably eat whales of all kind but only after the whales are dead.

What kind of whales have no teeth?

THE TOOTHLESS WHALES: blue whales, finback whales, right whales, sei whales, humpback whales, and gray whales. THE TOOTHED WHALES: white beluga whales, black beluga whales (pilot whales), orcas (killer whales), sperm whales.

Are beluga whales white whales?

Beluga whales are a very pretty creamy white. ** White Whale is another name for beluga whales! :)

Do you have any information of different types of whales?

Currently taxonomists divide the mysticetes into the following four families although recently the fact that the Gray Whale stands alone in the family Eschrichtiidae has been challenged. * Balaenopteridae - Rorquals * Eschrichtiidae - Gray Whale * Balaenidae - Right Whales * Neobalaenidae - Pygmy Right Whale The suborder Odontoceti, the largest within the order Cetacea, comprises the toothed whales, which includes all dolphins and porpoises. Between them, the ten families contain 36 genera and 70 species, which include Sperm Whales, White Whales, the little known Beaked Whales and Pilot and Killer Whales. The largest Odontocete or toothed whale is the Sperm Whale reaching lengths of 20 metres. An animal of great extremes the Sperm Whale has the largest brain of any animal and probably makes the deepest dive of any whale, possibly up to 3000 metres deep that may last up to two hours in duration. The Sperm Whale is truly global in its coverage and may be found in all oceans of the world. * Physeteridae - Sperm Whales * Kogiidae - Dwarf and Pygmy Sperm Whales * Monodontidae - White Whales and Narwhal * Ziphiidae - Beaked Whales and Bottlenose Whales * Delphinidae - Dolphins, Humpbacked Dolphins, Pilot & Killer Whales * Plantanistidae, Iniidae, Lipotidae, Pontoporiidae - River Dolphins * Phocoenidae - Porpoises

What do rockchucks eat?

Rockchucks eat great white sharks. They eat millions of them a year. However, great white sharks have begun to fight back. There is a war going on in the eastern Pacific Ocean between these two great sea creatures. Great white sharks have cross bred with sperm whales creating the great white sperm. These creatures are the generals in the war.