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White fur in order to camoflage in the snow whilst sneeking up on prey,

Large paws to swim to catch fish,

Long claws to hold prey down whilst it eats

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Q: What adaptations does the polar bear have to hunt its prey?
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What living things are affected by polar bear adaptations?

*Humans *Their prey

Is a polar bear predator or prey?

The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales. No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

Is polar bear a prey?

The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales. No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

What are some adaptations of a black bear?

Thier claws to climb, hunt and dig. Their noses to smell their prey from about 6 miles away.

Do polar bears have any special adaptations?

Their white appearance helps them blend in with the surroundings, making it harder for the bear's prey to see them approaching.

What Is A Baboons Prey?

A Baboons prey is a polar bear

Why is it important for polar bear to camouflage?

The prey cannot see the Polar bear approaching, it gives them the element of surprise, If the bears were black or brown like their counterparts, animals that they hunt would spot them a mile off

What animals is a polar bear's prey?

The seals are eaten by polar bears

Does a polar bear have any defenses against its predators?

The polar bear does not have any predators. It is at the top of the food chain.the only enemy a polar bear has is man, they will hunt them down for their fur and think they look good as a rug!The native people will also hunt polar bear, but they will use every part of the animal for food and clothing.The polar bear can only avoid man by trying to camouflage into the ice and snow, and swim under water.There at the top of the food chainalmost to the top. Humans are on top of the food chain.

What is the prey in a polar habitat?

Polar bear and artic fox also the penguin .

How is a seal different from a polar bear?

a seal is different from a polar bear because a seal has flippers and blubber a polar bear has 4 legs and has fur and a polar bear eats the seal but the seal doesn't eat the polar bear so the seal is prey to the polar bear k

Where does a polar bear find its food?

The polar bear is depended on the arctic ice pack to hunt seals. With the disappearance of the ice pack polar bears are quickly becoming extinct. I have seen a polar bear attempt to prey on Walrus and get mangled by the tusks of the great beasts. There is a small population of Polar Bears surviving at Moose Factory Manitoba living off of the town's garbage dump.