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Q: What adds credibility to the boys words?
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It means that the experiment is consistent with the hypothesis. It adds to the credibility of the hypothesis.

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(Apex) To show that the narrator is well educated, which adds a sense of credibility to the story.

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Why is it good to use vocabulary for your writing?

Using a rich vocabulary enhances your writing by providing a variety of words and phrases to convey your ideas more precisely and effectively. It adds depth and nuance to your writing, making it more engaging and impactful. Additionally, a strong vocabulary demonstrates your command of language, which can enhance your credibility and impress your readers.

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Sure why not, it adds to the package. Something more to look at and it can complement the face.

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Chase Manhattan is an excellent choice. It's reputation in the financial world is excellent based on past statistics. Keeping current with practices adds to its credibility.

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credibility, access, efficiency

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Why did scout get into trouble with her teacher on the first day of school how does this incident add to her credibility as a narrator?

Scout got into trouble with her teacher on the first day of school because she already knew how to read, which frustrated her teacher. This incident adds to her credibility as a narrator because it shows that she is intelligent and observant, giving readers confidence in her ability to accurately recount events.

Why does the author mention that he met Lester Brown?

The author mentions meeting Lester Brown to highlight his admiration for Brown's work and to provide credibility to the information being presented in the text. Brown is a renowned environmentalist and founder of the Worldwatch Institute, so mentioning this encounter adds weight to the author's argument regarding environmental issues.

Why do many christians think that Marks use of Aramaic words increases the authority of his gospel?

Many Christians believe that Mark's use of Aramaic words gives his Gospel an authentic and firsthand connection to Jesus, who likely spoke Aramaic. This is seen as increasing the credibility and authority of Mark's account of Jesus' life and teachings. Additionally, the use of Aramaic words adds depth and richness to the narrative, providing a cultural and linguistic context that enhances the readers' understanding of the text.

What do the boys see on the horizon In lord of the flies?

The boys see a looming storm on the horizon in "Lord of the Flies," which adds to the growing atmosphere of fear and uncertainty on the island. It signifies the increasing chaos and conflict among the boys as they struggle to maintain order and civilization.