

What advantage do bond over stock?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Short answer for beginning investors:

Bond is like money you loan to a company. In return, that company promises to pay you back with interest after a certain period of time.

Advantages of bonds are:Less risk than stocks

Payout is more stable but usually less in value then stocks

When you buy a stock, you pay to own part of the company. Therefore, the money earned through stocks is directly affected by the performance of the company and demand for their stocks.

So to answer your question, Advantages of stocks:Higher payout ceiling (but more risk)

Possible to grow your money extreme quickly

Sell your stock anytime to reap the rewards (bonds are purchased for a set period of time)

However, you or anyone aiding you in investing will need a knowledge of the Stock Market to invest effectively.

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Neha Leffler

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