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With an electromagnet, the magnetism can be turned on and off according to the whim or need of the operator.

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3d ago

An electromagnet can be turned on and off by controlling the electric current, giving it more versatility in applications. Additionally, the magnetic strength of an electromagnet can be easily adjusted by changing the amount of current flowing through it.

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Q: What advantage does an electromagnet have against a bar magnet?
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An advantage of an electromagnet (in contrast to a bar magnet) is?

An electromagnet can be turned on and off.

What advantage does a electromagnet have over a bar magnet?

The electromagnet can be turned on and off depending on whether it's needed or not.

How is an electromagnet different a bar magnet?

a electromagnet is bigger than a bar magnet

Using the north pole of a bar magnet how can you prove that a nail has become an electromagnet?

Put the South pole of the nail against the bar magnet to see if it attracts or repels.

Where are the two types of electromagnet and a bar magnet commonly used?

I'm not sure where a bar magnet is used, but an electromagnet is used in junkyards, and in some laboratories.

What does a electromagnet have that a bar magnet does not have?

The bar magnet and the electromagnet act identical. The difference being a electromagnet is a coil of wire that has a power source connect to both ends, this energizes the coil with an electromagnetic field.

If an electromagnet were used instead of a bar magnet to pick up nails the electromagnet would do what?

It will pick up the nails the same way a bar magnet would do!

How are electromagnet and a bar magnet alike?

Both are magnetic.

The magnetic field of an electromagnet is similar to that of a magnet?


What is the difference in a common bar magnet and an electromagnet?

The comon bar magnet has two poles, and the electromagnet can be turned on and off also the electromagnet uses electricity to create a magnetic field in the first place. so the difference is normal magnet cant be turned on and off but the electromagnet can. does that answer ur question?

How is an electromagnet similar to a magnet?

Both an electromagnet and a permanent magnet produce magnetic fields. However, an electromagnet is made by passing an electric current through a coil of wire, while a permanent magnet retains its magnetism without the need for an external electric current.

Is the magnetic field of an electromagnet different to a bar magnet?

Yes, the magnetic field of an electromagnet is different from that of a bar magnet. An electromagnet's magnetic field can be turned on and off by controlling the electric current, whereas a bar magnet has a fixed magnetic field. Additionally, electromagnets can have stronger magnetic fields than bar magnets, depending on the current passing through the coil.