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There are several advantages because the glycogen molecule is branched. It is a better storage facility for glucose because the branches make it more soluble, and the glycogen is also synthesized more quickly.

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11y ago

makes the structure more compact for storage and the branching means there is more end terminal molecules so it can be readily hydrolised

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Q: What advantage does the branched-chain structure of glycogen provide compared with a straight chain of glucose?
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What is the difference between liver glycogen and muscle glycogen?

Liver glycogen has low glycogenin content as compared to muscle glycogen.. liver glycogen responds to glucagon but muscle glycogen responds to catecholamines.. liver glycogen is used for the maintenance of blood glucose levels, but muscle glycogen is used for the supply of energy to the muscles liver glycogen can be completely broken down to glucose because of the presence of glucose 6 phosphatase, which does not occur in the muscles

How is the structure of glycogen similar to the structure of starch?

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Why glycogen gives red colour with iodine?

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What are three important polysaccharides?

Polysaccharides are long chains of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds. Three important polysaccharides, starch, glycogen, and cellulose, are composed ofglucose. Starch and glycogen serve as short-term energy stores in plants and animals, respectively. They range in structure from linear to highly branched.

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How is glycogen made?

Through condensation reactions. Glycogen is a polysaccharide. This means it is the polymer of many monosaccharides. The monomer of Glycogen is Glucose. Glucose, through condensation reactions in which water is released, joins to form the branched structure of Glycogen. This feature is beneficial in animals as it is easy to break off the individual glucose for energy through enzymes but also because polysaccharides are insoluble while monosaccharides are.

Glycogen and glucose aminoglycans structure and biological role in humans?

glycogen work as researve food material ih animal while aminoglycans are the modified carbohydrates and play imp. role in humans in the formation of cartilage, tenden etc.

What is a polysaccharide that stores energy in your muscles and liver?

I believe its glycogen found in liver and muscles which is made of glucose to give us energy

Why birds have to store energy as fat rather than as glycogen?

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Why does Iodine test gives blue color with starch but red with glycogen?

Iodine forms colour complexes with polysaccharides. The colour of the complex depends of the 3d structure of the polysaccharide. Starch is a coiled structure, which turns blue when bound to IKI (iodine solution), whereas glycogen, which is a branched molecule, turns red/brown.

What do fungi store their carbohydrates?

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What is the characteristics of glucose?

6 ring structure, simple carbohydrate, contains an ether bond, can be used to make glycogen, maltose, etc... a monosaccaride.