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I believe its glycogen found in liver and muscles which is made of glucose to give us energy

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Q: What is a polysaccharide that stores energy in your muscles and liver?
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Where is the energy in sucrose stored?

Sucrose (table sugar) is a disaccharide compound composed of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. In the human body the "energy" from sucrose is broken down into the aforementioned monosaccarides. The glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in muscle tissues. Fructose is stored as glycogen in the liver. If the energy stores of the muscles and liver in the human body become filled then the remaining glucose and fructose are stored in adipose tissue (body fat).

What are the characteristics of glycogen?

Glycogen is a polysaccharide that is the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal and human cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types. Hepatocytes (liver cells) have the highest concentration of it - up to 8% of the fresh weight in well fed state, or 100-120 g in an adult. In the muscles, glycogen is found in a much lower concentration (1% of the muscle mass), but the total amount exceeds that in liver. Small amounts of glycogen are found in the kidneys, and even smaller amounts in certain glial cells in the brain and white blood cells. Glycogen plays an important role in the glucose cycle

How long is THC in your system?

Up to 3 months. It is fat soluable and stores in the liver and fat cells. According to Ayurveda(Indian medicine)marijuana poisons the brain and liver and is an herb NEVER to touch. Remember Bob Marley?

Where does all of the sugar go in our bodies?

The sugar in humans is stored in monosaccharides called glycogen until our cells need it. Most of the glycogen in our bodies is stored in our liver and muscles.

What answer best describes glycogen?

Glucose a simple monosaccharide sugar, is one of the most important carbohydrates and is used as a source of energy in animals and plants. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and starts respiration. The natural form (D-glucose) is also referred to as dextrose, especially in the food industry.

Related questions

What is glycogen used for energy storage by?

Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi. In humans, glycogen is made and stored primarily in the cells of the liver and the muscles, and functions as the secondary long-term energy storage (with the primary energy stores being fats held in adipose tissue).

Polysaccharide in animals that stores energy?

my answer is always correct :) its glycogen and for Plato users the answer is A

What is the name of the polysaccharide that is used for the storage of energy in a human liver?


Does meat contain polysacchrides?

Yes the polysaccharides in animals is called glycogen. This polysaccharide is found in the liver and muscles.

What type of carbohydrate is stored in our muscles?

Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles, and is second to fats as long-term energy storage.

Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as a large polysaccharide called?

Glycogen. Plants store energy in starch.... Mammals store their excess energy in glycogen.

What polysaccharide is stored as an energy source in the body of animals?

Glycogen, which occurs in large amounts in the liver.

What organ stores fat for energy?


Where are calories stored in the body?

If you eat too many calories, instead of using them for energy your body stores the energy as fat to use at a later time. It is stored in your liver, muscles and fat cells.

What stores in the liver?

The liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen which is converted back to glucose again when needed for energy.

What part of the body makes and stores energy?


The liver can supply the skeletal muscles with energy in the form of free glucose but the skeletal muscles cannot supply the liver with energy in the form of free glucose?

No. Unlike skeletal muscles, the liver contains an enzyme known as glucose 6-phosphatase that can remove the phosphate groups and produce free glucose.