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the thick scaly skin would be strong to defend against attacks

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Q: What advantage does thick scaly skin have?
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Yes, it has a thick layers of scaly skin to protect itself for predators.

What body covering did Dinosaurs have?

Some dinosaurs had thick scaly skin like today's reptiles while others had feathers.

Do snakes have dry scaly skin?

YES! the snake have dry and scaly skin.

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Frogs have wet, moist skin. Their skin is not scaly, but it is smooth.

Does a brontosaurus have skin?

uh well it did have skin yeah i think they did

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Derived from two Greek words meaning "fish" and "disease," ichthyosis is a congenital (meaning present at birth) dermatological (skin) disease that is represented by thick, scaly skin.

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Do rhino cover with scales?

No. Reptiles and lizards may have scales, but mammals typically do not. However, a rhino's skin (and elephant's, and hippos) is very very tough and thick, which might make you think it has scaly skin. The term 'pachyderm,' which refers to these type of mammals in general, means 'thick skin.'

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ya it can be better than thin skin because it is harder to get line in the skin

Can you tell me what psoriasis is?

Psoriasis is itching, redness on skin. It is chronic immune related skin disease. Psoriasis forms scaly skin. It can be flaky and red and thick skin with silver patches. to know more :

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Amphibians have scaly skin.