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Q: What advantages would independence offer the colonists?
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What did the colonists hope would happen after they wrote the Declaration of Independence?

The colonists hopes that England would listen to plea of freedom and not declare war

For the colonists in 1776 what were the costs and benefits of deciding to support the Patriots' fight for independence?

The colonists would be freed from Britain's rules and would get to govern themselves.

What is the Declarationof independence?

a statement that the American colonists would no longer be rules by the british

How would a loyalist react to the Declaration of Independence?

The reaction of a loyalist to the Declaration of Independence would have been that colonists do not have a right to simply declare their independence. Colonists are subjects of the crown, whether they agree or not. King George III rules by divine right. God save the king.

Why did American colonists want independence for the British?

The British were taxing the colonists for tea and other necessities unfairly. They also would not let the colonists be represented in Britain.

This colonist who exemplified the Enlightenment would help guide the colonists toward independence.?

I need this answer

What would happen to men who sign declaration of independence if colonists lost war?

They would at LEAST be hung.

What was the purpose of Thomas paines common sense pamphlet?

The purpose was to tell American colonists to rebel against the British monarchy and proclaim their independence. ///the purpose was to encourage colonists to proclaim their independence from britain, and to helped confused colonists come to a resolve into which side they would join.

Why would the colonists supported Independence from England?

The British - American colonists saw that independence from the British Empire would be a benefit both economically and politically. The Revolutionaries sought a more perfect form of self government not available in the Monarchy -Parliamentary system of the UK.

What would colonists lose if they declared their independence from Great Britain?

they would lose money and support and equipment and possibly their lives.

After declaring their independence what consequence did the American colonists know they would now face?

One hell of a war.

Was the Declaration of Independence an action taken by the colonists because the king of England would not compromise with them?

yes and u should no that