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Q: What advice should you give Ellen about her weight gain during pregnancy what other dietary advice would you give her?
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Are dietary supplements safe to take during pregnancy?

Most dietary supplements are safe to take during pregnancy but you should carefully read the label and/or consult your doctor about specific supplements. If you are not getting enough nutrition from your diet alone it is recommended that you take dietary supplements during pregnancy to ensure your baby gets all the nutrients it needs.

How much blood is fine at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

if you are bleeding during pregnancy you should seek medical advice

How much weight should a 5.0 115lbs woman gain during pregnancy?

I have found an excellent website that will answer all of your "weight-gain-during-pregnancy" questions. The link is: It's The American Pregnancy Association's website's section on weight gain during pregnancy, but I think the advice there is good all over the world!!!

Is amoxapen good to take while pregnant?

Yes. This antibiotic is safe to be used during pregnancy. But you should not take any antibiotic without advice of your physician.

What foods should I be eating during pregnancy?

There are several foods you should eat during pregnancy. You should eat green vegetables and drink juice.

Can you breast feed while taking lansoprazole 30mg?

The safety of this medicine for use during pregnancy has not been established. The manufacturer therefore advises that it should be avoided during pregnancy. Seek medical advice from your doctor. It is not known if this medicine passes into breast milk. It is not recommended for use by breastfeeding mothers, unless considered essential by your doctor. Seek medical advice from your doctor.

Is it advisable to take sinex during pregnancy?

Read the allergy medications to see if you can or cannot take it while pregnant. Some medications you can take, and some you cannot, it depends on what type it it.

What happens when your unhealthy during a pregnancy?

It could be possible to have pregnancy complications, complications during birth, or have an unhealthy baby. Your chances for having a c-section would go up and well as the chances off all medical interventions going up. You should seek the advice and care of a Dr if you feel that your health is effecting your pregnancy.

Currants during pregnancy?

It is recommended that black currants should not be consumed during pregnancy. Red currants should be okay, but the individual should check with their doctor on if it is safe for them.

What can I do to prevent stretch marks during my second trimester of pregnancy?

To prevent stretch marks during your second trimester of pregnancy you could apply any type of stretch mark cream to your abdomen. You should talk to your gynecologist for advice on which cream would be appropriate for you. Also, to help the stretch marks disappear a little more be sure to apply the cream after your pregnancy.

What advice can be given on teenage pregnancy?

surly he or she would refered to their parents and disscuss the matters and should have to visit doctor for the best advice to keep the baby or not.

are there certain foods to avoid during pregnancy?

It is recommended to avoid fish during pregnancy. You can eat fish, but in small doses. Caffeine is limited and alcohol should be totally avoided during pregnancy.