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Edwin advises Cole to take responsibility for his actions, change his harmful behaviors, and connect with nature to find inner peace and healing. Garvey emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, self-reflection, and building positive relationships with others to heal from past trauma and move forward in a positive way.

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Q: What advise do both Edwin and garvey give Touching Spirit Bear?
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In touching spirit bear who is Edwin and garvey?

Garvey is Cole's probation officer, and Edwin is a tlinglet Elder in the community. Hope this helps!!

Who are the only two people that Cole could trust in Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey and Edwin

Who is the only two people cole trust in touching spirit bear?

I think Edwin and Garvey, his mom?

The main characters for touching spirit bear?

"Main"- Cole, Garvey, Edwin, the mother, the father, the lawyer, Peter

What are the characters in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole, Edwin, Garvey, Peter, his mom, his dad, Cole's mom and dad, both lawyers, Rosey the nurse

Who told Edwin he saw a white bear on the island where cole was banished in the book Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey is the one who tells Edwin about seeing a white bear on the island where Cole was banished in the book "Touching Spirit Bear." The sighting of the white bear helps Cole understand the power and significance of his surroundings.

Which are the characters of the book touching spirit bear?

Cole, Garvey, Edwin, The mother, the dad, the lawyer, peter, peter's mom, peter's dad, their lawyer, rosey

Who are the characters in the touching spirit bear?

there are many -Cole Matthews -Peter Driscal -Garvey -Edwin -Mr./Mrs. Driscal -Mr./Mrs. Matthews -Spirit Bear -Rosey -Nathaniel Blackwood

Who are Edwin and Garvey in the book Touching Spirit Bear?

In the book "Touching Spirit Bear," Edwin is a Tlingit elder who guides Cole through his healing journey on the island. Garvey is a parole officer who helps coordinate Cole's restorative justice sentence and supports him as he confronts his past behaviors. Both characters play significant roles in Cole's transformation throughout the story.

Who told Edwin he saw a white bear on the island where Cole was banished in Touching Spirit Bear in the book?


Who was in the boat in touching spirit bear?


What does Cole do with the bear's hair in Touching Spirit Bear?

he throws it in the water because he figure Garvey and Edwin don't need to see it because he shouldn't need to prove the attack