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Primarily heat, pressure, erosion, and compaction causes rocks to change during the Rock Cycle. For example, sedimentary rock can be changed into metamorphic rock by added heat and added pressure; metamorphic rock can be changed into igneous rock through a process of melting, then cooling (added then decreased heat); igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock through weather and erosion, and then compaction and cementation.

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The mineral composition, hardness, erosional factors such as climate, location on continental or oceanic plate, and nearness to plate boundary.

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Q: What affects the way a rock changes through the rock cycle?
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How does heat in the form of friction and pressure affect the rock cycle?

The heat (in the form of friction and pressure) affects the rock by performing a process called menstrual which changes the material of the rock, but not the mass.

What changes solid earth the most?

the rock cycle

What is the continuous process by which one type of rock changes into another?

The rock cycle is the process through which rocks change from one type to another. This process includes melting, metamorphism, uplift, weathering, and burial. Metamorphism is specifically the change of pre-existing rock into new rock through pressure and temperature.

Where does the rock cycle began?

rock cycle the continuous series of changes that rocks undergo

What is the process by which the rock type changes into another?

the rock cycle.

What is a collection of events that changes rock into different forms of rock?

The answer is the rock cycle.

What is a rock that continuously changes from one type to another?

the rock cycle

What are the rock cycle?

Rock cycle mean when one type of rock changes into another type under a great heat and preasure

What stage in the rock cycle is can every type of rock go through directly?

Melting is the stage every rock in the rock cycle can go through.

Physical changes of rocks?

i guess "The Rock Cycle"