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Q: What affects torque when a muscle contracts at a joint?
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What contracts to extends or straighten the limb at the joint?

This type of muscle contracts to bend a limb at a joint

What muscle causes a joint to straighten when it contracts?

The muscle that causes a joint to straighten when it contracts are the extensor muscles. These include the triceps that work with the biceps to extend the arm.

What is a muscle that causes a joint to straighten when it contracts?


What muscle causes a joint to straigten when it contracts?

your triceps

What a muscle that causes a joint to straighten when it contracts?


When the muscle contracts it pulls on and moves that bone at the joint?


What is the Difference between a muscle strain and a muscle sprain?

NO, You misunderstand the definitions. A sprain affects a joint and a strain affects a muscle E.G. I sprained my ankle and strained my calf. NO, You misunderstand the definitions. A sprain affects a joint and a strain affects a muscle E.G. I sprained my ankle and strained my calf.

When a muscle contrats what happens to its opposite muscle?

depends on which muscle but the opposite muscle sometimes contracts aswell to stabalize the joint some relaxes ...

What will happen at the knee joint when triceps contracts?

The triceps is a muscle in the upper arm that extends the elbow. It has no direct relationship to the knee.

As one muscle contracts the must relax.?

Yes. If not, the action at the joint will be incomplete and dysfunctional. As a whole, a muscle fiber is either contracted or relaxed (the all-or-none principal).

What causes a joint to move?

Joints don't have the ability to move. Joints are where two or more bones meet. One end of muscle attaches to the bone and the other end of the muscle stretches cross the joint and attaches to the bone on the other side of the joint. Muscles work in pairs, so that when one muscle contracts (the only movement that muscle can make), the other of the pair relaxes which causes movement at the joint when the bone is pulled by the muscle.

Why muscles have to work in pairs?

Skeletal muscles only pull in one direction. For this reason they always come in pairs. When one muscle in a pair contracts, to bend a joint for example, its counterpart then contracts and pulls in the opposite direction to straighten the joint out again.