

What affects viscosity?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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9y ago

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temperature, pressure and force, and molecular strucuture

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Q: What affects viscosity?
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What affects viscosity of a liquid?

viscosity decreases with increase in temperature

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denser liquids tend to have more viscosity

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it affects the viscosity because the liquid changes the shape and turns it to a gas and the viscosity by change the form

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it increases mass in same volume, therefore density(viscosity) increases =)

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What element has the greatest effect on magma characteristics?

The percentage of silicon in magma greatly affects its viscosity.

What is the viscosity of lava flow from a cinder cone volcano?

Viscosity refers to the amount of internal friction in a substance which affects the ease with which it flows. Magma has a wide range of viscosity depending on the composition of the magma. The viscosity increases as the silica content changes from basalt to rhyolite. The more viscous a magma is, the slower it flows.