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The patient receives continued cardiac monitoring in the intensive care unit . Once the patient is able to breathe on his/her own, the breathing tube is removed (extubation), if it is not removed immediately post-operatively

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Q: What aftercare is given after minimally invasive heart surgery?
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The patient will continue to be given antibiotics, corticosteroids, and miotics for one to two weeks after surgery.

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given medication to reduce swelling and pain. When the patient has recovered from surgery, he or she is sent home and usually given a week's course of antibiotics to be taken by mouth

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topical antibiotics and steroids. In addition, oral steroids may be given to patients who had ocular inflammation prior to surgery. Some surgeons use atropine to maintain the eye in a temporary dilated state

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After surgical treatment of an intussusception, the patient is given fluids intravenously until bowel function returns; he or she may then be allowed to resume a normal diet. Follow-up care may be indicated if.

What aftercare is associated with local anesthesia?

The degree of aftercare needed depends on where the anesthetic was given, how much was given, and other individual circumstances.If a major extremity was anesthetized, the patient may have to wait until function returns before being discharged.

What aftercare is associated with retropubic suspension?

.given pain medication postoperatively.A suprapubic catheter stays in place for approximately five days.Patients are expected to refrain from strenuous activity for three months and to have a follow-up visit within three weeks after surgery.

What aftercare does a patient receive after a craniotomy?

Oxygen, painkillers, and drugs to control swelling and seizures are given after the operation.

What aftercare is associated with a pyloroplasty?

Intravenous fluids are usually given for 24-48 hours until the patient is.permitted to eat a special light diet and as bowel activity resumes. About eight hours after surgery, the patient may be allowed to walk a little, increasing movement gradually.

Why is it important to give treatment aftercare advice?

Why is it important to give treatment advice and what may happen if advice was not given

What is the name given to surgery of the head?

Otolaryngology - Surgery of the head and neck.

What aftercare is associated with sacral nerve stimulation?

Antibiotics may be given.The patient will be given instructions on incision care and follow-up appointments before he or she leaves the hospital. Aftercare includes fine-tuning of the SNS stimulator.