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Cats can reach reproductive maturity and go into heat at 5-7 months. However, letting a young and not yet mature cat breed comes with increased risk for both mother and litter. A kitten is still developing mentally and physically, and there is a high risk of health complications with the mother and the kittens.

Responsible breeders usually wait until their cats are over 1 year of age (sometimes they wait until 2 years old) before letting her have her first litter. This insures the cat is fully mentally and physically mature and is an excellent standard of the breed.

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13y ago

Cats usually stop growing and reach adulthood at around one year of age. For large breeds they usually become adults at around two to three years.

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10y ago

Kittens develop fairly quickly. They are considered to be cats when they hit one year, but some kittens will hit puberty as early as 6 months of age.

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What are cat babies called?

A baby cat (domestic cat) is called a kitten and is considered a kitten until one year of age when it becomes an adult. Other, larger species of cats may use the term cub.Baby or young cats cats are called kittens, until the age of about one years of age when they are considered adults.

What is the ideal age for cat to have kittens?

1 year

Is a two year old cat too young to have kittens?

No. Any cat over one year of age(that is a female) can have kittens.

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What age will your cat have kittens?

100 years old in dog years

How many kittens can a cat have at one years of age?

lets see, a cat can have kittens at the age of 6 months, and it takes 9 weeks to have 1 litter of 2-4 kittens aprox. im bored so you do the math and voila.

Kittens what age to part from mother cat?

at least 2 LEAST.

Is it ok for a cat to have kittens when shes 5?

Yes, from what I know, age is not usually considered a problem at 5. It may be at 7 or 10 though, but everyone has different opinions about it.

What helps a mother cat produce milk for her kittens?

Cats nurse kittens until the kittens are about four or five weeks old. At this age, kittens begin to wean and are able to eat soft kitten food. The mother cat's teets will dry and retract slightly. The only true way to tell if a cat is still nursing kittens is through observation.

How old do kittens live to before they become adult?

Cats are considered adults aged one year, but most larger breeds of cat take two or three years to completely reach adulthood. However kittens become sexually active aged six to eight months. A cat is thought of as a pensioner or senior cat at eight years of age.

Are kittens real?

Yes, kittens are indeed real. The word "kitten" is used for a young cat less than a year old. After a year old, the kitten is considered to be fully grown and is called a "cat".

Can a hermaphrodite cat have kittens or produce kittens?

My client witnesses a hermaphrodite cat have kittens, it looks mostly male from the outside but delivered kittens.