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when they are about 18 years old.

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Q: What age are men most mature?
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When do most boys mature?

Boys typically mature physically between the ages of 12-16, but emotional and social maturity can vary greatly among individuals and may continue into early adulthood. Hormonal changes during puberty contribute to physical growth and development in boys.

What age does a child have the right to choose?

The age in which you think they are the most mature

What age to you hit puberty?

it all depends on how the person was brought up, it could take years but many people tend to calm their gooffyness around 13-16 yrs of age yeah sounds right. Some are mature at 12 , some at 35, and some never grow into mature ,responsible grown-ups. It's a very individual thing.

Is 17 a mature age?

Whether 17 is a mature age is relative. Is 17 a mature age to run for president of the United States? No, 17 would be too young and immature for that role. Is 17 a mature age to cross the street alone? Yes. Most 17 year-old teenagers should be able to handle that.

Can it be true love when im only 17?

Probably not. Men aren't fully mature until about age 25, women at about age 20.

Do dwarfs mature at the proper age?

Some "Dwarfs" do not mature at a proper age........only because they believe that because they are still smaller than others they believe that they can act younger. Most "Dwarfs" mature at a proper age because they are mostly around people that are the same age as them.

What age do tilapias mature?

Tilapia become mature at the age of 13.

What age are you a mature student?

A mature student is typically considered to be someone who is at least 25 years old and returning to education after a period of time away from formal education. However, the definition of a mature student can vary depending on the institution or country.

Do men like women who are older than forty-two?

Yes... for the most part age is only a is only as old as he/she feels. Older women are mature and do not have a thing to prove.

Why do women mature faster then men?

It's just their hormones. The average woman should be taller and more mature than a guy at the age of 14. But then the male will catch up and usually be taller and just as(maybe less) mature.

Do womens brains really mature faster than mens ie are men dumber than women of the same age?

women's brains do mature much faster than men's but not the smart/dumb way.. it's more the mature/immature or spohisticated/unsophisticated ways. Of course there r always exceptions

Are guys immature at the age of 13 and if so what age will they be mature?

Some are. Probably most are. Some will never be mature. Maturity isn't like the right to vote that automatically happens when you turn 18.